[Video] - Nanoweave is getting out of control

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mustarde, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. Soques

    I would wonder if they made explosives dangerous again if this wouldn't be as common.
  2. Irathi

    So many pages, way TL;DR.

    I read the OP's and all I can say is, I LOVE MY NANOWEAVE stay away from it! :)
  3. Shadowyc

    Well, imagine this then; what if, in order to take out a tank, you had to fire twice as many rockets at its *** than you currently have to fire? It's sort of like that, but with a lot less health to fall back on.
  4. Irathi

    Well I can imagine how it sucks, but personally I like it the way it is with no guaranteed HS if he has nanoweave. Probably because I played PS1 which had no such thing as a headshot kill.
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  5. Kaon1311

    Imho its the fallback from the explosion splash nerf. When they nerfed vehicle splash damage and grenade splash there was no need to run with flak armour, so now everyone rolls with the obvious choice....nanoweave. Buff splash again slightly (not to where it was obviously) so people have to make a choice. Do i protect against splash damage or bullets.
    Like vehicles have to choose mine guard, front, side, top armour etc....
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  6. Shadowyc

    Never played PS1, so unsure of what the infiltrators went through there. Just know on PS2, there's weapon sway and infiltrators apparently breathe in a constant supply of asbestos. :p
  7. Irathi

    Yeah, you had 2 kinds of sniper rifles, the semi automatic "Scout rifle" and the bolt driver.

    Bolt driver took 75% of your HP, while the scout did 25% or something like that.

    For a while there was a bug or "feature" that allowed you to switch between 2 bolt drivers in a short amount of time and landing both the shots as long as you didn't move the cursor while switching weapons.

    They removed that for obvious reasons and the sniping became rather limited after that.

    One thing they had in PS1 was an implant that allowed you to see the enemys health. So you could still be a decent sniper even though you could only take 75% of the HP by singleing out the troops that where hurt.

    Infiltrators mostly placed boomers(c4) on unsuspecting infantry, shot them with SMG*s, hacket the vehicles while the enemy was still inside, hacked turrets, placed "surprise" mine fields, hacked bases, inserted viruses into bases (removing features you love like proximity radar etc).

    The thing is in PS1 the infilitrators where not considered snipers as they couldn't carry a sniper rifle at all. They where limited to pistol/smg types. In PS1 the sniping where done by visibile targets like the light assault and heavy assault class in PS2.

    Infiltrators in PS1 did what an "infiltrator" should do, they infiltrated enemy lines and disrupted them. I think this is kind of the reason why they let NW be the way it is in PS2 because it makes more infiltrators actually explore the infiltration part of the class and less stay as snipers.
  8. Silkensmooth

    Everything you say has such a nasty tone that no one cares what you say. You are a troll. You have clearly never played a sniper and you have no idea what you are talking about.
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  9. Shadowyc

    Sounds neat.
    But, still think Infiltrators should have the option of being a sniper or not. If we're not going to 1-shot anyone at 100+ meters anymore, then weapon sway should at least be reduced so we can actually hit things. :p And, you know, chemo therapy for our lung cancer.
  10. Irathi

    You would be surprised at how much stuff there was in PS1 compared to PS2, screw the metagame they are working on and bring us all the variated gameplay that existed in PS1!

    You know personally I wouldn't really mind if it was OHK if it where a head shot, but then I think the same should go for any other weapon. I mean when I spray someones head with my MCG and get no head shot ...

    So I think either everyone should be able to do it if it's a head shot, or nobody should be able to.

    Btw - PS1 is free to play now, you could download it and try it out, it's pretty damned awesome still :) even thoug there are few playing it (i haven't played it in 6 months I think).
  11. Covah

    Nanoweave is fine.

    Headshots are super easy to land.

    Deal with it.

    If a sundy with mineguard don't explode with 2 mines, should we nerf mineguard ?

    If a soldier survive when he walks on a mine because he has flak armor, should we nerf flak armor ?

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  12. MajiinBuu

    If Mustarde says it Nanoweave is out of control it must be, Mustarde is always right.
    Here's my opinion; It is much more frustrating to somebody who takes a headshot then it is to somebody who headshots and doesn't kill.
    And you don't need to take the follow up shot in the same breath, it will take 10 seconds before their shield returns, plenty of time( unless bunnyhopping)
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  13. Sworaven

    Nanoweave is not fine. The examples you give aren't very good. It is our primary weapon that is affected, not a vehicle (sunderer) or a utility (AP mine). Just because RandomMcScrubbins paid the hefty investment of 11 certs to get NW2, doesn't mean he should be able to neutralize our main gun. And let's be honest, nobody sticks to just NW2. The distance to survive a OHK only gets shorter and shorter as you rank NW more.

    NW basically doubles the TTK for BASRs, and that is only if we're able hit the follow-up shot. Something that isn't that easy because now the target will move evasively until he gets behind cover, pops a medkit and come looking for you. And he has a good idea of where you are due to the directional indicator.

    In a game where full-auto is king, why do people have a problem with snipers? No worries, soon there won't be any left, not dedicated ones at least. We'll all have switched to Engi, we'll only be sniping people from the edge of renderdistance with the AV-turret when we aren't too busy spamming the UBGL. And you'll just have to deal with it.
  14. illgot

    or you run out of breath and have to wait 8 seconds to recover from having a near heart attack, or the enemy finds cover or starts moving the slightest.

    This is of course issues I come up with as a long range sniper (200-350 meters out). Over 300 meters the heads become as small as the dot on my scope.
  15. ProfessorHobbes

    None of the snipers here are entitled or think they super amazing and skilled. I'm pretty sure every sniper here does it because they enjoy sniping. People have a right to play a class how they want, and when their sniper has its efficiency cut it half (you know, that ONE weapon you can use to actually snipe), it's pretty frustrating when that form of play style becomes moot.

    But I guess I can look at the positives of NW. I love when I line up a headshot on one of these bad players who use NW standing still like a statue and am denied the kill (like 60% of the people in this thread). But just as my moral is about to go, I line up that second shot and see the satisfaction of them running around like a squirrel caught in the headlights, jumping up and down like that will save them. Shoot. Kill. The best is when they pop their shield, and I kill them with a 3rd shot.
  16. Earthman

    Hmmm. "no one cares what I say" yet at least half of it on this thread alone's gotten upvotes. I take it anyone who liked my posts (normally I don't care, mind you) is "no one" because they don't agree with solipstistic narcissists like you?

    Take off your tiara, princess. It's cutting off blood flow to your brain.
  17. Earthman

    I like this guy. I hope the kills keep coming for you. :)

    Oh, and that guy who suggested the "kinetic amplifier" module that boosts sniper damage but also increases how much they take, that might work. But I have a modification for it:

    They take normal damage. But it goes into the ability slot.

    Yep. You'll have to rely upon terrain and camouflage to make that magic OHK that's soooo hard to make, and maybe move positions sometimes. It'd be irritating being OHK'd, but at that point we could say "kinetic module, look for that guy", and look, we just made the sniper tactically relevant because forces are diverted instead of "hoo boy, a cert farmer. Sort of move around more buildings and try to spawn quicker than he can click I guess".
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  18. K2k4

    I think that any BASR headshot should OHK regardless of range. If you are lining up a shot from 200 meters out and you manage to hit the target's head, then the target is standing still, you have taken the time to line up the shot, and despite the game mechanics fighting you at every step of the process (see weapon sway/rendering/mysterious fogs of esamir and indar); you have managed to not only hit your target, but hit a tiny tiny target (a headshot) with a bullet that arcs downward a half-of-a-pip to 1 pip down. That's a pretty miraculous set of circumstances which you should be rewarded for your accuracy with a kill.

    For sniper haters; I get it. I understand why you find it frustrating that you are forced to move when you are out in the open or exposed to the hills in this game. It's something we all face while playing this game from time to time. But it is something that can be easily remedied. If you stand in a safe place, such as behind rocks, within a spawning area, behind shields, or in an unoccupied base, you can go poop, leaving your character standing still without worrying about a sniper killing you. Otherwise, don't complain. You stopped moving, you gave them the opportunity, and you died for it. We're not asking for OHK body shots, we want to be able to use the sniper rifles to end you immediately after we carefully aimed for your head. We want our kill.

    Another aspect of this whole argument is that if a change did go through to allow BASR's to OHK on a head shot there probably would not be any recourse on the forums, no negative PR for SOE. Why? Because it makes sense for a BASR, especially one like the RAMS .50, Longshot, or Parralax, to OHK on a headshot, and it has been shown that within 30 meters they do this, despite nanoweave, but 30 meters is NOT their intended effective range. Sure there would be some initial backlash by people who have complained against the requests of those who play sniping infiltrators on these forums, but I doubt that that backlash will be anything continuing past the first week after the change is made.

    If the request to have it occur at any range is too much, I would at like to at least offer some sort of counter-offer, a compromise for if what myself and many other snipers is too overpowered in your eyes. Make BASR headshots instakill at any distance with no nanoweave, but reduce the maximum range, starting at nanoweave 1 to a maximum kill distance of 300 meters, nanoweave 2 at 280 meters, nanoweave 3 at 260, nanoweave 4 at 240, and nanoweave 5 at 200. This is a great compromise, given that nanoweave has been blocking our headshots for months now at unreasonable distances. This change would allow a sniper to still be effective up to 200 meters away while still giving nanoweave a benefit against our rifles.

    Lastly, and possibly a topic for another thread, please re-instate the damage threshold for heavy assault shields, so that our sniper headshots can kill them effectively again. Along the same lines as nanoweave, these shields provide an unfair advantage against snipers.
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  19. sagolsun

    You know there's something wrong once you have to point out how inferior and terrible the players who bested you are.
  20. umbrellapower

    True that. A lot of snipers don't understand that while your headshot may not have killed me outright, I was probably in the middle of a firefight and now I'm dead because all an enemy has to do is tickle me with his LMG and I'm dead.

    Snipers get a lot of assists on me since I try and be aggressive, placing my head in areas where snipers from 100-200 meters out can take potshots at me while I'm trying to fight their friends head on. It may be frustrating for dedicated snipers, but the vast majority of BASR users are just looking for easy kills. That should not be rewarded, ever.
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