[Video] - Nanoweave is getting out of control

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mustarde, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. illgot

    I RARELY die from snipers and when I do it is because I start standing still (lazy) to repair or while using a Striker.

    Other than that I am constantly moving and if the plethora of the kill video's have shown, you do not want to stand still while in a kill streak or you'll have 20 people on you in seconds.
  2. LT_Latency

    You have to stand still to ADS for 1/2 a second at any form of ranged shooting.

    Not any major ones, you guys named none for the CPU so far. You can't even name this one, must have been popular,
  3. Ryme

    If they remove bullet drop and change all weapons to hitscan so all infantry can retaliate against sniper fire like they're able to in the CoD and Halo games, I would be fine with 1hko snipers. Otherwise juking is not a counter to snipers, it's merely a coping mechanism.
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  4. LT_Latency

    you can't see them!!

    There is no looking up or down when you can't see them. Your point is 100% destroyed by the fact you can't see something that is invisible.

    I snipe all the time and I am very good at it. Any buff you want just makes me WAY stronger. I am just saying it's not need because if you are good you rip people apart in many spots with the bolt actions.
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  5. Silver Fox

    Shall we go through this all over again? Your buddy gets shot by a sniper, what do you do...

    Sucks to be that first guy, but that's they way any ambush goes.

    I go through this every time I play as a sniper infi. I always think - "man, if you would just look up, you could kill me."
  6. LT_Latency

    So what??? is your point here???

    You are still 200 meters away, Then second guy doesn't know where you are, UNLESS he is taling directly to the guy you just shot.

    Even if he says " I got sniped from the west. You are already stealth ed and behind cover and getting ready to shoot him next in about 1 second, He won't see you when you come out because you are stealthed again.

    Even he is looking dead at the spot you are at, You come out stealthed aim at his head or body and drop stealth and drill him too,

    You battles plans about balance seem to involve many vs 1 players
  7. Silver Fox

    Just to be clear - I'm an advocate of having level 5 nano stop OHKs, but nothing less. Everyone likes to say that snipers are useless and don't help the team, then ***** constantly about how unfair it is when they get killed by one. When you finally decide to admit that snipers do something on the battlefield, you have nano 5 to protect you.

    As for stealth - that is this game's mechanism for having snipers blend in with their environments - just like they do in many other titles, and it's rather analogous to real life (you can spot them if you really know what to look for, but otherwise you wouldn't give that rock or bush another thought.)
  8. illgot

    there are many videos which show that you do not need to stand still to kill other players. Some players go through streaks of 20+ kills all while moving and ADSing.

    Saying you need to stand still to ADS just to kill only shows us what you are doing wrong.
  9. Silver Fox

    Lol so you've never seen a tracer come in from one direction and thought "maybe I should put some cover between me and that direction"?

    Countering snipers requires changing tactics, something that most people aren't willing to do.

    Like I said earlier, you can't send two guys out to deal with the ranged threat while the others deal with what's in close?

    My point is that there are plenty of counters to sniping - most notably the 11 certs required to stop a OSHS. People are refusing to give up that crutch because then they would actually have to be tactically sound on the battlefield, which is beyond the scope of your average gamer.

    To say that snipers are overpowered in any way is ridiculous.
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  10. LT_Latency

    An there are many spot in the game where you will get killed by another player who is ADS because it's much better then shooting from the hip? So you point is all other classes are now RAMBOING WITH OUT ads 24/7

    That is just silly,

    I used to think you were good at the game from the post you make now make me sad, If I am ADS on your head and you are shooting from the hip..........guess who wins the gun fight.

    HIP fire is good for close close range when you don't have time to ADS their head
  11. LT_Latency

    And you just use 3 vs one battles for your points.. Why doesn't the sniper have support as well???
  12. NinjaTurtle

    If you are wanting bolt actions to OHK in CQC (under 30 meters) then I would agree on the principle that they are harder to use than pump shotguns due to requiring more aim due to the larger CoF and no bullet spread.

    Just to clarify however I do not think sniper rifles should OHK outside of that close range though
  13. Silver Fox

    I never said 3 vs 1. It could be 50 vs. 50. The sniper still needs to be countered, which the other side is unwilling to do.
  14. illgot

    there are kill videos like this of EVERY class. Stop standing still and getting head shot then blaming it on snipers being OP.
  15. LT_Latency

    Anyways, you guys are being crazy.

    I love the bolt action, It my favorite gun in many places. I don't need to buff it. I think its super good as it is.

    If you want to make me OP go ahead, I don't care.
  16. LT_Latency

    There are videos of people knifing 20 people from stealth as well, That doesn't mean this works on good players
  17. LT_Latency

    You set your self up so they can't just counter you, You put 10 or 15 of your teammates between you and them.

    Now you are in the sweet spot, Where you can kill them with a head shot but they will just damage you as you duck behind cover with a LMG. They will have trouble getting to you because of your friends and you use recons beacons to track enemy movements. if things do get hot you stealth move and repeat.

    Now you pop out while stealth,

    You blast people who are standing still or ADS or running in a straight line in the head to kill them.
    next, You blast anyone taking damage in the bodt usually kills them
    next, you just blast them in the chest probably an assist

    Using medpacks as needed

    This DOES require more skill then the average gun, You will have to aim fast and accurate but is strong when you get good at it.
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  18. Silver Fox

    Again this is only because the people you are engaging are too focused on what is directly in front of them. There are many ways to dislodge the sniper while the fight is going on, but players are not that coordinated most of the time. It's not because of the infi being too powerful or anything like that.

    You are also assuming that the fight is confined to one lane, which is unfortunately how most people think. The concepts of flanking, of establishing a base of fire, of successive and alternating bounds, and overwatch are beyond most players. Proper tactics will defeat a sniper any day, regardless of how many friendlies he has with him. Yes, I am taking real-world tactics and applying them to PS2. They work.

    Edit: I should also say that this can be done without detracting from the real mission - capturing the base or whatever you're doing.
  19. LT_Latency

    And all this is at the finger tips of the sniper as well, Except he has the best tools at tracking enemy moment and moving without being seen.

    Why is the sniper team not using these tactics as well??
  20. Silver Fox

    They should be - that's what makes the idea of this game so powerful. Two massive elements trying to outmaneuver and outguess each other.

    Do you not think the other team will employ snipers of their own? Or dedicated flankers that try to keep the sidelines secure? Just as a sniper can track his targets, someone on the other team can be tracking him with the exact same tools.