[Video] - Nanoweave is getting out of control

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mustarde, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. LT_Latency

    They are all very different though, CS is all small maps an almost any GOOD gun can kill in one or 2 shots to the head at any range.

    In CS there is no range, Where an AK or M1A1 can't blow you away with a well placed burst in a split second
  2. Silver Fox

    Yea. OHK snipers with active camo didn't ruin the game there though, which was my point. That was with very small teams, and one sniper couldn't wipe out an entire team effortlessly.

    I'm really not sure why people here are so afraid of OHK stealth snipers.
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  3. SarahM

    Nanoweave is working as intended.
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  4. LT_Latency

    Because snipers are good, I can go 30 and 1 with the current bolt action. With getting streaks of 6 to 10 being very common.

    When you get in close, The battles is still in your hands, If you make your shot, There is nothing the enemy can do. It's very hard at 0-30 meters but one shot can win you any fight if it hits.

    At close range you just get a squad to stand in front of you so no one can rush you and start poking everything that moves. Yeah will get shot, but you duck behind cover you a med kit and go back to it.
  5. Silver Fox

    I honestly don't think it's the weapons that make a sniper good in this game - it's the fact that for most players, if something isn't within 50m of them, it doesn't exist. Someone surprising them by being outside of that tiny radius just isn't fair for some reason.
  6. MykeMichail

    I think that third one you marked as nanoweaved actually popped his shield just before your round landed.

    I really think they need to adjust nanoweave to make it a small arms resistance instead of a flat increase in HP.

    It would only apply to your base health (not your shields) and NW5 would give a 33% resistance to small arms fire. So to deal 500 damage, you'd need to deal 750 damage, because 33% of your damage is resisted. The bonus would not apply to the head.

    That way, everyone gets rewarded for their accuracy, and snipers aren't made 'too effective' against other targets (which is what would happen with a flat damage increase).

    The alternative is to give BASR's a 2.25 headshot multiplier.

    That way, a rifle with a minimum damage of 550, would be dealing 1237.5. That way, nothing but a NW5 user could survive it, and the range at which even a Nanoweave 5 user could survive a shot would be significantly increased.
  7. LT_Latency

    It doesn't exists, because my stealth is turned on you can't see me aiming at your head.

    That is the whole point
  8. Silver Fox

    So when you play as another class you don't scan the hills around the base looking for movement? That cloak only lasts 12 seconds, and in most places as an infi you are going to get caught out in the open at some point. Also, once you see a friendly go down from sniper fire, you need to be paying attention to where it came from. That has historically been the disadvantage of the sniper - after that first shot your cover is blown.

    Most players see a friendly go down and keep moving, thinking nothing of it. Then they wonder why they get shot at too.
  9. LT_Latency

    /sigh Do you even snipe???

    You find a spot, You stealth, come out, aim at a victims head, drop stealth and pull the trigger. By the time the person even had a chance to see you, There is a bullet on it's way to his head.

    Now even if he does know where you are and wants to kill you, He still has a army of solider to get past to get to you AND even then the next time he actually sees you is when another bullet is rocketing towards his head.

    When you have killed 7 or 8 people and know there are steaming pissed and coming for you. You stealth fall back and blow them away as the start looking for you in your old hiding spot.
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  10. Silver Fox

    Yes I do snipe.

    You are still only thinking of the sniper's first target. What about the 10 other guys with him, who just completely ignore the fact that he got shot? Or sometimes they do acknowledge what happened, but they look at the body on the ground instead of possible places where the shot might have come from.

    Those people are the real threats to a sniper, but they choose to do nothing (except maybe get points from a revive.) People just tend to be oblivious, which is the only reason that you see videos of monstrous kill streaks and such.
  11. LT_Latency

    You have 9 guys as well between you and the rest of them. They hold them back and prevent them from rushing you while you keeping popping out using stealth and going pew pew pew

    or is this the magically 1 vs 10
  12. Mustarde

    I took a closer look at the video, nanoweave #3 did not have his shield up. (@ 1:08).

    If you guys want nanoweave to continue functioning as it currently does, then lets even things up a bit (since the bolt actions and sniper mechanics were initially designed and balanced to allow OHK headshots)

    Let's cure infiltrator lung cancer and get rid of scope sway/breath holding. Increase the ROF of the sniper rifles by 30-40% (still require a rechamber and rescope). Increase the raw damage of the rifles so they are a OHK to the body within 20m, but damage falloff quickly goes to it's current level so by 70-80m a nanoweave player can tank the headshot without a care. Give us our 100HP back so we have parity with other classes.

    Then, we can enter the ideal range of LMG/carbines that many of you believe sniper should be forced into, and we can compete with our slow ROF single shot weapons. And if we want to sit back and "be worthless" at range, we will have to focus on body shots knowing that headshots will rarely be rewarded with a kill.

    If you want everyone to live within a 70m combat bubble, then SOE will need to make some serious changes to current infiltrator and bolt action mechanics so we can actually compete in that bubble, which is populated with wonderful weapons such as the TAR, Gauss Saw, T16Rhino, SVA-88, etcetera.
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  13. Silver Fox

    How do even numbers change things? It's the same principle - multitask. Engage one target while tracking another. Anyone who claims to be "skilled" should be able to do this. Tunnel vision (and thus being oblivious) will get you killed regardless, doesn't matter if the bullet is from the sniper or another class.

    You're telling me that in that group of 10, two people can't drop back and take care of the sniper while the others engage the rest of the enemy? They can, but that requires coordination, which doesn't happen. People are just so intent on shooting the first thing they see.
  14. MykeMichail

    He didn't have his shield up on your screen. Which takes precedence? His state when he gets hit or his state on your screen when you hit him?

    Can't say I agree with your suggestions. The infiltrators lower HP balances the fact that at any particular time, one could come out of nowhere and gun you down.

    One shot body kills would also be a little ridiculous as it doesn't take much to quickscope at short range and nail a bodyshot. Headshots can be a challenge at short range against a moving target but a body shot is easily doable, even with hipfire at very shot ranges.

    Scope sway doesn't really worry me much either way but I do believe that the time you can steady it for should be longer. Secondly, I think that if you're sprinting around heaps, then stop to take a shot, you shouldn't be able to hold your breath as long as if you're just walking around or completely still. Some sort of 'stamina bar' for the infiltrator so we had a visual indicator of how long we're going to be able to hold steady for would be nice too.

    What they need to do is give the infiltrator a laser designator and put laser guided bombs on ESF's.

    Shoot every guy in a 12 man squad in the head to find out they all have NW5? Well they aren't wearing flak! Lase them for epic lase assist bonuses.

    Be nice to see Infiltrators actually having an AV role beyond hacking a turret behind enemy lines.
  15. Vandali

    If they removed infiltrators completely i wouldn't shed no tears. I've always hated classes in games that have cloaking abilities, it's cheap, it's dirty and it's cowardly. So what does SOE give them, smg's... :rolleyes:
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  16. LT_Latency

    I don't get why you think they gun needs so many buffs with your stats.

    Sometimes yeah, I would like a better reload time and longer breath on the ramm .50. Those are what really reduce how fast I can pile up bodies.

    But 40% faster re chamber and 1 shot body kills. The bolt actions would be GOD mode crazy. I mean in the time it takes a player to kill you, How in the hell are you going to miss a body shot at 20 meters???

    Sometimes it just seems you won't be happy unless you can solo 200 soldiers without dieing once
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  17. McToast

    Honestly Mustarde, what did you expect when you posted this thread in the general forum? That the bad players that make 90% of this gaming community would agree with you? Terrible players need their crutches and SOE knows that. This game will never be "MLG" in its current state.

    the Toast
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  18. LT_Latency

    Because he is not being realistic, You telling me you couldn't rip people a new one with body shots at 20m in this game and 40 % faster firing rate and stealth and recon dots????

    You are insanely powerful at 0-20, average from 20-50 then back to insane at around 50+
  19. illgot

    there was an FPS humans against aliens, can't remember the title. But anyway, in that FPS you also had cloak/sniper but you had the ability to 1 hit backstab as well from cloak.

    But yes there are numerous titles which give snipers the ability to cloak and OHK from a distance.

    And yes, LT_Lt is just being obstinate.

    If you have to stand perfectly still for more than half a second to get a kill, then yes, you should fully expect to get shot in the head by a sniper.
  20. Silver Fox

    Lol yea, I like how he's stopped trying to counter me. Logic can be a pain in the *** sometimes. :rolleyes:

    People hate snipers because they don't like to look out, or up. Someone who has the ability to look beyond what's directly in front of them must be brought down to their level.