[video] Mattherson vanu does what needs to be done to win, platoon lead pov, indar alert

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NeZeK, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Posse

    When Stew360 is the voice of reason of the NC, you definitely know something is VERY wrong with them :p

    I also have to say I'm surprised at the fact that despite his grammar being a complete disaster and reading a Stew post is a nightmare, his spoken English is actually pretty decent.
  2. DQCraze

    Thank you, Dapp only runs public platoons, we dont even kick for our own members, if we dont have room we start another. Yes, it takes great patience and gentle reminders of what to do and where to go. It has to be done in a polite and respectfull manner. Im asking for my platoon members help, when your asking for help if youre a deusch you probably wont get any. I have everything from lvl ones to hundreds in my platoon, first day players to seasoned vets, I cant get to tactical so i do the best I can with what I have. I just try to put em in good fights and give them a little guidance and answer questions or point them to resources. But ya, its not easy leading pubbies, I do love doing it though, meet alot of good peeps.
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  3. Llamar

    Get into NC command channel during prime time and you'll see why we lose alerts. It's not that we don't have good leaders. A lot of them are actually really good and want to win alerts, badly! It's just 2-3 guys in command that act like complete a-holes and always tell you how unbelievably stupid your plan is. And it's not like "attacking that base is a bad idea," it's "you're mother must have drank like a fat Irishman for you to be that ********."
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  4. DQCraze

    Those guys are actually sent to sabotage your command, another brillant VS tactic.

    But seriously, they would be muted instantly if that crap started. Command chat is for tactical discussion only, period. Personal attacks are for tells or some other place. It just doesnt belong in a tactical discussion.
  5. Aeflic

    Finally using a different browser to reply lol

    People just mute command comms instead of the problem... never figured that one out in my head.

    Also I know exactly what you go through with DAPP im the lead over at VCO. So again major props for what you guys do.
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  6. SilentUmbra

    First of all, I just want to say I have the utmost respect for the larger VS outfits DAPP,GOTR,NTMR,V, etc.
    But i wanted to give a perspective from a small outfit.
    This is going to be my first post here but I do lurk all of the time, I just felt like I needed to respond this time.

    I represent [WLDC] Wildcard Syndicate a new, small tight knit group on mattherson. I began my vanu career with Nightmare, leading many squads and platoons for them. I also used to play with [TG] on the nc.

    Here is a couple of things I have personally viewed during alerts( i play during the 8-1am hours of the night so maybe a few of you have heard me on command chat.)

    1. People often complain about the VS overpop and although I don't have the screenshots to back this up, I have noticed that in a 2-hour alert starting in the time between 8pm and 10pm, the population numbers are relatively the same. Halfway through the alert however when the VS get a slight upperhand, be it a majority of territory control or the highest number of biolabs, the so called "overpop" rears its ugly head with what I perceive to be the disheartening of the NC and TR. This then brings on the VS storm of either a dominating victory or something close to it. Essentially what i'm saying is that the VS aren't getting larger through the night, they're just not logging off like the other factions do.

    2.Stew360 made a comment about charisma not being a factor and as someone who has led as many squads and platoons as I have, I see a huge problem with this statement. As much as some of us see this as just a game, it doesn’t mean that this game has no psychological component. People enjoy praise, they love being commended for their actions. You pull of an amazing tank kill, you’re looking around for someone to see if they caught a glimpse of it. You solo take an A point and kill 4 people to do it, you’re hoping your squad was watching as all of the enemy arrows disappeared from the map screen and the point began to flip. If it’s not praise people also look up to confidence or confidence inspired. “Cmon guys lets get in there we can do it , don’t let these dirty rebels take my point/don’t let these dirty commies take my point.” Charisma is so important, it makes your squad want to follow you, makes your goals theirs, spurs them on against unimaginable odds.

    As a sidenote even I as a pl/sl love when my outfit is mentioned, it feels great to be recognized. Two weeks ago during a night alert, the vs were defending Peris against the NC. Rather than join the defense my squad decided to gal drop behind the nc and remove their adjacency. Eight soldiers fought of an entire NC platoon at the A point, only losing it at the last second but allowing our VS brothers to push out of Peris and eventually take the point. As soon as we did this command noticed with even KomradeVirtunov saying "whose that one squad that just pulled the whole NC platoon and almost beat them?" Now to Stew’s comment that you need “good” players working together. Go take a look at WLDC, our average BR is pretty low, I can tell you that night I was probably the only guy over 50. But it was the inspiration, the fervor I feel that I created in my men to fight back insurmountable odds.

    Anyway I’ll write more later this is just some of what I think.
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  7. DQCraze

    Welcome, Ive seen you guys around looking forward to working more with you guys, feel free to shoot me a tell, Nimnax.
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  8. Aeflic

    Great post man, great post!
  9. Hairspray

    Worthy post Silent
  10. Aesir

    You do know that ingame command chat isn't all of NC high command right? We got the NCC and the NCSC, though I don't know how the later one is doing exactly right now. I know that both of them actually now listen more in or are semi active on the ingame command, because it is better than it used to be(If that's even possible).

    Which is why we have those 2 organizations. They build up relations between several different outfits, which often entirely bypass ingame command chat and talk directly to each other. I won't say that this is good, because this let's some people out of the loop and separates the playerbase. But the NC command chat was for most of the time really bad and still can be very bad.
  11. ColonelChingles

    Is this actually a good idea? I'm just a Mattherson grunt and I don't know how these command channels work, but it seems like a bad idea to have 2-3 different command channels. Like isn't that how the US ends up bombing Canadians on a semi-regular basis because we aren't sharing information? Or why the Pentagon and the CIA are often at odds?
  12. Aesir

    I didn't say it's a good thing, but it's better than having no coordination at all, which was the NC Command Chat for like a year and it's still pretty bad.
  13. Stew360

    Actually in my point of view NCC or NSSC are two competitor , and unless randy was trying to merge the 2 they remain competitor and build up a external ( possibly biased or unfair )chain of command thats ignore others NC , and is bad in my point of view unless those tools would have been use in the right way thats mean , sharing , making outfit more efficient , Ive been part of this and ive try to push the '' get better , get stronger , get smarter '' aspect of it , and i have hit a wall ;) , because ive realise many outfit leader '' want to lead the way they want '' also a wquote '' think they are good enough '' on a strategic level wich is wrong because ive seen them way more than often failing agains a smaller group of more organised and smarter VS players .... There is always a room for improovement when it comes to tactics and posiitioning and knowlege of your bases maps and terrain and the use of it ...

    Having 2 different competitor like NCC and NCSC simply create one thing , having the NCC guys going for 1 direction , the NCSC guys going for the others having on both side peoples avoiding comand chanel in game wich lead to Dsync of the Empire effort and lead to major failure by the end

    Almost 100 % of the alert thats run smoothly are those where i see Extensive use of the in game comand chanel and lots of cooperations and efficiency on the command chanel in game ...

    When peoples will have less selfpride and desire of '' doing their own things '' and work toward the same goal FOR the Alert , otherwise they could do as they want , but alert is important to bring some Empire cohesion and comand chanel is important

    We could argue on what can be consider High comand , ive seen single guys been better Shotcaller and Mapreader than well know outfits leaders , some peoples have talents to be tactician some peoples have talents to read the map fast and efficiently , some peoples have talents to run squads and make things happen on the field , but we also have peopls who misunderstand the role of a squad leader platoon leader or map reader shot callers , and those peoples are huge part of the problem , many think been a leader is been higher than others ITS NOT , '' thats why we end up way to often with WANNA BE leaders who pretend or play as they are real leaders and fail miserably at it because they arent suited for thats particular role .'' , been a leader is a roles exactly like been a medic in a squad or been a ESF pilots , its a roles that take part in the big picture , there is none more important and none less , Selfpride is one thing thats kills the potential of real better leader to rise ... Personally I HATE leading on any level higher than squad lead , iam a field guy but i have lots of knowlege and tactics been a fps anf RTS lover and players for decade , but also been good at them ,,, But in fps what i like the most is leading my guys maintain the cohesion and classes balkance whithin a squad and working with my others squad and making sure we do whats we must do get things done this is what i like , I DONT WANT to be a leader , but iam one because iam good at it , iam a killer and a suport and i enjoy to be lead by competant players ...
  14. LT_Latency

    Your faction is way over populated. What happens to factions with lower populations is the leadership get frustrated and no one wants to do it anymore.

    When you spend weeks and weeks giving orders to defend and fall back people get sick of it and give up when all your plans are crushed by pure numbers over and over and over again. Everything is just more fun when you can see your plans always work because you have the numbers to make it work.

    The people who want to organize squads and platoons just burn out faster when they are on a undermanned faction because leading becomes a absolute burden instead of something fun to do. So they just start doing other things.
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  15. iller

    Coincidentally, Subject line is a good analogy to how they're actually winning: TOO MANY CHARACTERS
  16. TheStonehawk

    Oh absolutely. This exact reason is why my old outfit leader got burned out and quit PS2. When I played more on Briggs TR, an outfit lead watched me blast through an enemy squad by myself as an infiltrator with a simple bit of misdirection and ambushing. He then extended me an invitation which I gladly accepted. At first he was jolly and always happy to be on. He led everyone well with practiced ease and kept a very close eye on the map (this was back when you had multiple squad waypoints) to indicate which platoon should attack where from which direction. His sense of humor was a little odd...but he'd always make the right joke in a tight situation which kept our morale pretty high. He always led excellently coordinated attacks that had us taking down numbers twice ours just by superior tactics.

    But he just got burned out. It got harder and harder for us to win as pop shifted. When I joined Briggs TR weren't all that much below the average population, but by the time I was BR 15 we were severely the underdogs. Massive battles and caps became rear holding actions and awesome cheer resounding victories became fewer and further between. He got more and more frustrated and just finally quit after a VS offensive broke our backs entirely with tankspam and pushed us all the way to the warpgate. Just disbanned the outfit and got off. He never logged back in. It was too much a burden for him to have (at the time) 50+ people relying on him to lead well and watching them all get mercilessly slaughtered and look to him for the answers. I know its a game, but it is really demoralizing and no one wants to feel that.

    I lead my own NC outfit now, mostly just consisting of friends I know in real life who don't want to listen to some other tool on a radio. I work with a few other facs to coordinate assaults but nobody big. We are just small timers who try to put a dent in the enemy team. I don't push myself to take the lead and go for the big times because I don't want to hate this game. I just want to shoot stuff and have a good time, and if I come up with a few good strategies on the way, well...

    But in response to the Matherson Overpop VS, I wouldn't say that they are so overpopulated as they just have really big, good factions that just shove everyone disorganized under the bus who stands against them. I mean it gets to be not even fun to play when those guys are on because we have no real outfit to counter them. If I start getting killed by people who have (Nightmare) or other tags like that in their name, I just find something else to do because it means NC are gonna get zerged to death and theres nothing I can do to stop it. The only time I'll really stand against them is if most of my outfit is on because as a platoon we are able to at least put up a fight.
  17. RIctavius

    All factions or another are having this issue - way to deal with it, break the game to reward the "nice" people. I dunno - we got an issue of having some T.R leaders on cobalt with bad attitudes (not negative gameskills) just lack of attention to diplomatic skills and general social interaction in a positive framework. Business Mgt taught me for this exact scenario.... but for the life I have no idea how to overall improve the community in general, except by saying - "Be nice, be courteous, and **** damn this 'internet' ********."
  18. Kaizure

    While it's not really my place to offer suggestions for NC command fixes when I'm not in NC command chat, I'd suggest the whole "time out" approach.

    What I mean by that is... when NC command chat starts to get as bad as it was in that video, then instead of starting to argue with people, only mute the people who are causing a problem (in your opinion). Then after you've muted the people you believe are causing a problem, announce who you've muted in leadership chat (the chat box) and add, "If you want to discuss tactics, please mute these people and we can talk in peace." That way the people who are causing a problem will have to talk over you guys and it won't do them any good because you can't hear them and therefore can't hear their cries.

    This might seem counter productive at first, but in the end, nobody likes to be ignored. The people who are being ignored will throw a fit (assuming the situation is THAT bad) and have some time to cool down before they say, "All right, I'm sorry. I'm not going to argue anymore." Then you unmute them and see if they will be true to their word. If they are not, mute them again.

    It sounds like a childish way to solve a problem, but childish doesn't mean ineffective. Desperate times calls for desperate measures.
  19. DQCraze

    The way to deal with it is don't tolerate it, I have a trigger finger on the mute button. If I hear personal attacks in the form of swearing or any derogatory remarks regarding gameplay, you get a one way ticket to the mute list. I work in surgery, a high stress environment, its not gonna happen on my downtime.
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  20. Kaizure

    On the whole 'VS Overpop' subject, I just want to make a note.

    We should all know by now that overall population doesn't matter. It's the tactics used by the other faction that make things possible. It's why, if an enemy force is about to take a tech plant, we choose to max crash the A point. If we don't max crash, we lose the facility. If we max crash, there's still a chance we could lose the facility but at least we're going to hit them hard before going out.

    Everyone has seen the scenario where you're attacking an enemy base with 48+ people, but then all of your sunderers get destroyed and you're forced to pull back. You were unable to defend the sunderers properly and so the enemy faction was able to destroy them. This is a tactic, whether you accept it as that or not. You need to place your sunderer in a place you know the enemy will have a hard time reaching and will be easy to defend against enemy tanks, light assaults or even aircraft.

    Yesterday during the Amp Station alert, the VS had a 20% population on Amerish with the TR pressing down hard on Wokuk Amp Station. The TR had at least 50% population on Amerish. During the fight, we had 2 squads of VS fighting at the Ascent for some reason, and we couldn't coerce them to leave that area and help us at Wokuk. Yet despite our low numbers and lack of population, we were able to drive the TR back time and time again. They were never able to obtain Wokuk Amp Station from us during the alert because we used tactics to destroy their sunderers, protect the generators and keep them out of the Amp station.

    Overpop? That's just a word. Most times during this week when I log in, I've seen NC has had between 30% - 50% population on the continents, while the VS have 15% - 30%. And just a few minutes ago when I was preparing to log in, the overall server population registered the VS as having 32% population while the NC had 38% population.

    It's not population, it's tactics.