[Video] In Before the Nerf...The Phoenix

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname82, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. MuNrOe

    Best troll weapon in the game hands down.

    Seriously if you want to make it an AV weapon increase its speed and controlling ability. Increase the view on it so you can see more around you and then decrease its damage to infantry and increase its damage to vech.

    Anything short of this will result in a gimped weapon that wont be used at all IMO.

    For the time being tho im having allot of fun killing infantry with it.

    Keep those tears coming TR and Vanu now you know whats its like to be on the receiving end of HE prowler rounds and mag sniper tanks that the NC had to endure for god knows how long.

    Revenge is sweet.
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  2. FoeAngel

    That poor br1 around tree, he looked Afk, or maybe he was sending a hate tell
  3. Shockwave44

    The launcher just came out and you expect everyone to know what to look for, with such a short reaction time? Even knowing when it is coming at you is hard to avoid.

    How dumb are you?
  4. Kubor

    Except of course, for most people the projectiles don't even render.

    Just give it up. It's getting a well deserved AI nerf no matter how much crying you all do.
  5. Dave Mercer

    and they thought the lancer was going to be used as a sniper rifle
  6. Kubor

    Because the Vanguard absolutely cannot and never does kill Infantry :rolleyes:

    Then there's the ScatterMAX you all hide in like cowards :D
  7. Kookamunga

    hehe , that was my idea!!!! :p

    btw , nerf the vid camera already , leave the Glancer where it belongs , in the closet
  8. Shockwave44

    This doesn't help your cause.

    I didn't realize this was a negotiation.

    No one cares about your "opinion".

    Wow, these dumb NC players are multiplying. Go back and cry to your hackaw max.
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  9. MuNrOe

    U mad ?

    At least the NC players on here are admitting that the weapon itself is broken unlike the countless many who defended the mag farming and prowler infantry farming vech's.
  10. Zeekez

    The lancer buff I could live with, a magazine fed striker requiring no lock on would be ridiculous, you gotta remember the whole time a player is guiding the rocket he is standing perfectly still. I've been sniped [or ran over by a friendly] in mid-rocket flight which causes the rocket to basically just fall to the ground.

    Thing with the NC rocket is 1) It takes time to get "into" the camera, so you can't really use it close range, 2) It only has a range of 300m so you can't really use it long range and 3) It's slow as balls so you can't really use it against air. It's really not that OP for anything except for hitting stationary infantry targets
  11. Shockwave44

    The striker had a dumb fire mode in PS1 and it doesn't do a lot of damage now so what are you worried about?

    Have you ever tried shooting, oh I don't know, tanks with it? The phoenix is the exact same design and functionality from PS1 minus the AI OHK. I could just refer you to the multiple videos of people using the phoenix with ease but it sounds like you want a lazy weapon. Maybe you should watch PS1 videos of people using it. They didn't ***** about it like you are.
  12. Kubor

    The best thing to do is to campaign for changes to the Phoenix to get it altered to a proper AV weapon worthy of the name. Forget all about AI damage because it has no business in AV balance discussion. It is a huge red herring that is getting in the way.

    AV weapons are for AV. AI weapons are for AI. Trust me, PS2 will be a less dumbded down TDM mess when people actually have to start earning their kills and using the weapons meant for the job with skill intead of noobtubing everything in sight.
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  13. Zeekez

    Honestly I rarely play HA so I don't care that much, I find it a fun weapon and not OP. But if I'm going after tanks, I'm using a different launcher, if I'm killing infantry for afar I'll go sniper. If I want to hunt kill, I can get twice as many twice as fast as a LA. I really used this launcher for a day and didn't touch it again, it's more fun than actually practical
  14. Badname82

    I still can't believe this thread hasn't been mod locked yet. Somewhere, Matt Higby's hair is smiling.
  15. Lord Robert

    This was hilarious! I kept thinking about the guy's reactions after every kill, could almost hear em saying "OH COMEON!! WTF" lol

    Particular highlights are the group running together in the beginning, one of them just explodes out of nowhere, totally had me lolling, and the guy right before the end that just happens to run out of the spawn room at the wrong time, literally runs right into it, probably only been alive for a second or two
    I mean he just got unlucky, but OMG good for a laugh
    Music wasn't horrible either
    9/10 would watch again
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  16. HadesR

    It's so OP it even kills troops behind you :p
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  17. DemoEvolved

    OHK infantry steerable anti vehicle weapon. #dumb
    One of the vids I saw the HA hit 3 different infantry in less than 60 seconds -- its NOT that hard to steer
    Even PS1 didn't allow you to ohk infantry with the phoenix.

    Question is: How can the lead designer NOT know that it would be used for that? And if he did know, how could he be ok with that?
    #Cashgrab #lame
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  18. HadesR

    Yup they are.. Including AV turret's, Any Dumbfire launcher
  19. Chiss

    This video is a bit silly. He could've killed more people if he was sniping. He wasnt even bending rockets.
  20. Eyeklops
