Well, I'm back at the class I started with. I was really looking forward to how the A-Tross would perform and I was completely disappointed. This gun can barely hold it's own in competitive gun matches or duels. It is damn near impossible to maintain any dominance in any range. In my opinion, this gun is outclassed in every range encounter by other guns in the NC combat medic arsenal .
Why do people feel the need to overlay their videos with terrible music? I watched the video in the hopes of getting a feel of the weapon, this includes the sound. The music totally ruins it.
Good video as usual, though I personally love the gun. It's pretty lackluster in full auto but for whatever reason I do well with it in burst mode. The bigger mag is great but I wish it had more in reserve than just 120, good lord it's easy to run out of ammo quick with this gun. The big difference is that you're going to lose head to head fights more often than with the Reaper. Whereas the Reaper can fairly reliably knock out shielded HAs in 1v1, the Tross simply doesn't have the output unless you're landing headshots and they aren't. It's specialized but I enjoy it. It's like another version of my absolute favorite gun in the game to auraxium
This gun is terrible. It's outclassed in every possible way by the Reaper. It's slower firing, and it has longer reloads. Now, those are to be expected, provided that it's more accurate than the Reaper. But it's not. It's considerably less accurate at every and any range, rendering those extra rounds per mag moot. As well, the Reaper's HVA seems to put it's velocity up higher than the Reapers (Though this is just my +1,800 kills of experience with the Reaper talking.) I have yet to find the hidden stats, but I have spoken to a number of others who have also auraxiumed the Reaper, and agree. If SOE wants to fix this weapon, they will give it the exact same hidden stats as the Reaper, with slightly less horizontal recoil (side-to-side recoil. Not to be confused with vertical recoil -which is up and down). Now you have a clearly defined set of roles for the Reaper and Tross. Reaper is mid range, and decent at long range. Tross is long range, and decent at medium range. As is, the Tross is bad at CQC, short range, and long range. While it's acceptable at medium range, it's utterly outclassed by every other weapon that could hope to stand a chance in similar situations. Even a semi-auto shotgun with slug ammo will put down the Tross at long range.
I use the Reaper religiously, the Tross has far too slow of a ROF to justify using that 200dmg weapon and it has awkward recoil with a little horizontal whereas the Reaper is just upwards recoil.
I wish they'd put the gun stats back in the public API so we didn't have to rely on people's feelings regarding what they believe the recoil to be.
Trust us, the A-Tross is far, far, far worse than the Reaper. It's accuracy at range is akin to using the TR's Cycler TRV. It should be much more accurate, as it's whole reason for existing is to be more accurate than the Reaper, to justify it's lower stats in every other category (All but the larger mag size). Personally, I think it should get one extra mag of ammo in reserve, as it's supposed to be an extreme range weapon, and if you're really far away from the fight, the chances are you're also really far from your next source of ammo too.
I'm not going to "trust you" because I don't think you're correct. People's initial impressions of recoil are not always in line with the actual statistical results of recoil. That's why the stats matter. It may well be that the Tross has something like a variable recoil angle (the Reaper does not). It would be interesting to know, but it's hard to trust any impression without numbers. People swore up and down that the Cougar was worse than the Razor at this or that and they turned out to be practically identical statistically. I could just as easily counter your anecdote with anecdotal evidence of my outfit having a lot of difficulty against Tross users all of a sudden. Neither really speaks to its statistical differences with the Reaper beyond what little is actually told to us via stat screens. Also the reserve ammo seems like a bug similar to what the Zenith had. It's supposed to have 6 total magazines and it has 5. I don't imagine that's intentional as nearly every AR has the 6 magazine total.
It was the same thing with the Razor. Very slow adoption for awhile (I remember getting it like day 2 and loving it and everybody thought I was crazy as hell for like, 2 months) but then people learned to work WITH the gun instead of make it work for them, and welp now we have the Razor we have today. The Tross feels more accurate to me every day, which is to be expected because I'm getting used to it. Took it to more long range tasks tonight and it performed wonderfully. Was able to 1-burst people down in the 40-80m bracket and 2-burst from 80-120m, not bad at all! Spent the first hour of the night taking people to task with the SAW in CQC. Then I flipped to Tross Medic and took people to task in CQC, doing the same things because they work just as well. Took out some GOKUs and had some nice chats with them about what we wish the Terminus should've been and how sad it is to see it so rarely even after it just came out. Biggest mistake I made was unlocking and using the TORQ today. Why use any other gun
I don't own the reaper so I can't say how it compares. Using both in VR training doesn't really tell me much since targets aren't moving and shooting back. I used the free 30 minute trial on the tross and was doing quite well with it. I always move and ADS with shooting and the tross felt accurate and strong, but you have to burst fire it because it gets really inaccurate if you just hold down the trigger. Hip fire was totally useless. I've got about 1300 certs right now and considering to buy it.
Here's some numbers for you. Reaper DMR VS NC-9 A-Tross performance stats to date: Highest accuracy players difference- Reaper, +5.965% Highest average accuracy difference- Reaper, +8.451% Highest HS accuracy players difference- Reaper, +0.206% (This one surprised me. Some trivia that caught my eye, the highest HS accuracy for the A-Tross came from SirCerealBox. Though Cereal's overall accuracy was only 10th from the lowest of all players with +500 kills. I think Cereal aiming mostly for the top of the head.) Highest average HS accuracy difference- Reaper, +2.382% Highest KDR's- Reaper, +10.368 Highest KPH difference- Reaper, +5.1 KPH Lowest time to achieve Auraxium (only those with exactly 1,160 kills considered)- Reaper, -3.3 hours Now let's see what fields the A-Tross has better better performance in... Score per hour- A-Tross, +81 XP Shots landed per kill- A-Tross, -7.4 shots (This is more a trivia data set, as it's simply how many shots this weapon landed from one user to another with the weapon before he finally dropped the target. The higher the number the worse, the above stats are comparing highest results, as lowest is more or less the same per damage tier. Side note; Reaper takes best score for lowest results by 0.6 shots.) There you have it, every performance stat I could get my hands on. (If you find more, please let me know. I knew the Tross wasn't as good, but I didn't expect to see it floundering across the board. The majority of these come from DasAnFall's weapon statistics site. It updates every 12 hours or so, and is highly reliable.) As you can see, the Tross is not only under-performing, but flat-out failing to beat the Reaper in any field but score per minute. +++Edit+++ I tried to link the DasAnFall pages, but they're unviewable to non-members. If you want to view the same info, create an account and look up the leaderboards for the respective weapons.
Not quite surprising for me I have C+ / B- rated accuracy for infantry, but A rated acc and some weapons are even A++. Yes, I do aim for the head mostly.
The gun hasn't even been out a week and is an entirely unique and unutilized ROF. Give people time to get used to is yeesh I went 5+ KDR all last night using the Tross exclusively, interior and CQC fights included. I'm doing a lot better with it than at first now that I'm used to the lower rate of fire. A LOT better
My point was that the numbers support my argument that the A-Tross is a downgrade to the Reaper. The A-Tross has an uncontrollable horizontal recoil pattern, which means there is no skill in adjusting for said recoil, and consequently it has less capability to be accurate with more than semi-auto fire. Not only that, but the Reaper fires faster, making it the obvious choice. Hit faster and more accurately at any range. As for your +5 KDR on Mattherson.... Well, Connery has some idiots too, but they rarely play TR or VS, as the majority are all on NC screwing over the rest of us. When they actually are with the opposition, they are -figuratively- never without some skilled players thrown in the mix.
I didn't actually play the server supremacy card you know. I didn't even mention Mattherson even?? Personally I feel like Mattherson has fantastic infantry gameplay at the expense of air and ground. Because we hate hate hate vehicles and lust for their destruction above all else. On Connery I can pull an HE Lightning or even Vanguard and not, like, die instantly. It's bizarre. Different metas yo
You ignored the rather important aspect of his issue, which is that the Tross has only had a week of stats and has a small sample pool. The Reaper has existed for several years. It's like calling the Bandit and Zenith by far the best carbines in the game because they have super-high KPHs right now relative to other carbines. They're the new hotness, they've been used heavily and scored a lot of kills. Law of averages will drift them closer to their actual performance. There's a pool of over 1700 users for the Reaper tracked by DA's stat site and all of about 100 Tross users tracked. It's too early for those metrics to be reliable. Also by certain metrics on DA's stat site the CME is the best AR in the game. Just saying. p.s. Way to misrepresent KPH by not putting up the average, where the Tross is mangling the Reaper right now. But still, sample sizes.
Played some VS today and I've gotta say, the Tross is about a horrible to go up against as the X11 is. Either of those guns in the hands of even a halfway decent player and you're just gonna get smoked before you can react. Only saving grace is that the Tross user doesn't have a jetpack, but they do have a midrange domination gun and the ability to heal while shooting so really it's just as much a midrange nightmare only for different reasons.