Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WycliffSlim, May 4, 2014.

  1. WycliffSlim

    No words need be said.
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  2. dstock

    Duster OP
  3. WycliffSlim

    Now we know why the Liberator is OP after the update.
  4. Blackinvictus

    You died, but you actually killed him as well. Now that's impressive!

    Between my two gunners, I have a grand total of THREE confirmed kills with the Duster, LOL. Not from lack of trying, but that thing is just terrible. I don't think it has an equal that even comes close in terms of suckiness.

    You would be better off just dumping all the loose items in the cabin onto the infantry below and hope you hit something, LOL
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  5. Forlorn Hope

    Nice Killah and I on Matherson have gotten him up to about 140ish kills. Its terrible, its actually rage inducing to use its so bad. The COF improvement was very nice, but it went from being unusable to slightly less unusable. The Liberator kills are the best, I think we got one and survived and I may have peed a little I was so excited.
  6. PastalavistaBB

    Duster definitely OP :D Check the other Duster video posted today.
  7. dstock

    Yup, that's where we are at too. It pisses us off, as the people using it, it's so bad. The CoF change made it at least possible to get kills.

    I will say, the most fun is to run AB/Stealth and sneak right up on hover-farming Libs. Mag-dump the Duster, than swap to the Walker for a little finishing action. I've got a highlight on my stream channel, it's pretty hilarious.
  8. Burevestnik

    You're using it wrong. The whole point of pulling a duster liberator is to achieve the unnachievable. You magdump the tankbuster and shift into duster finisher.

    No point of using Duster if their death isn't shown as The Mighty Twin Pipe Duster kill... OP to the max.
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  9. Forlorn Hope

    I usually yell chat after every kill something along the lines of ... memories have been made, something something crop dusted, or something about farmers.
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  10. Burevestnik

    Good man!. Whenever i enter the battlezone i make sure to write over yell that OP Duster Overhead. Sometimes i park my Liberator over spawn buildings where if you jump on second floor you can touch it by hands or C4 it. Just to point out how many ***** i'm giving and how much brass i've got.
  11. Wizz

    I look for a opportunity to post this everywhere

  12. Burevestnik

    Suggest we make a Duster Mega Thread.

    Collect all of our combined achievements of the Duster Brotherhood into a single thread where we will claim superiority in fps(fun per second) over all other forms of play in Planetside 2.

    We are to Liberators what X-Men are to humanity and we welcome everyone to take the next step in the glorious evolution of air game.
  13. WycliffSlim

    I accepted the challenge of making an A2A duster montage. I'm not sure I'll survive the experience. But... this will happen.
  14. Tommyp2006

    "surface to air damage"

    I'm sorry, what?
  15. Takoita

    I've flown with a couple of guys that decided to get the first medal for the thing. It took about ~30-40 miniutes; I got more kill assist points with the Walker in the third seat -_-
  16. WycliffSlim

    If it hits after you're dead, it doesn't count you as in a vehicle.