[Video] Flying Tutorial - ESF loadouts - A2A and A2G

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Matti, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. Paragon Exile

    Watching your gameplay then looking at my own is embarrassing. Jesus.

    You probably take for granted how good you are in ESF's :D
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  2. DrBash00

    ^^, hehehe, you dont discurage me, i just dont see the need to make a guide on the same topic when i agree with like 90% of what i am saying.
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  3. Matti

    Thanks for feedback!

    Just keep flying and practicing, flying in Planetside 2 is hard except if you can find those
    enemies that you can just farm with an AI weapon. Normally the times you can do that now
    days are few and far between!
  4. Matti

    Thanks for feedback!

    If you change your mind and make a flying tutorial, let me know
  5. SuperTrooperWaterloo

    Flares block ALL rockets and lock on´s for 5 seconds but when was the last time you got hit by more than 1 rocket in the short time you break the line of sight?
    The Fire Suppression System repairs the whole dmg of one rocket and any other dmg. Its good for every situation, lets you stay in flak fire longer and is necessary to win 1v1 dog fights. For me, the flares just got worthless.

    In the video i see why you used the flares instead of the fire suppression. The only thing at this time that couldve stopped the farm would be lock on heavys. But the PPA killed them faster than they could know what to do. Even with one AA-HA, fire surpression would still be better.
  6. DrBash00

    Maby i go for some special "fun loadouts", i think you cover all the "standard" stuff pretty well but i will let you know. =)
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  7. Matti

    Sounds like a great idea, get it going and let me know when you're done =)
  8. SerasVic

    Because the true reason is : brave chicken assault

    You need to be able to bail 100% of the time, thus prevents you from taking stealth as you need auto-repair.

    And "good" pilots are the best brave chicken assaults, as they 'll never allow one peasant to kill them.
    K/D , honour and all that **** ...

    AH or Vortek + Stealth reaver is amazing, as long as you get the balls to fly as engi.
  9. PWGuy93

    Just wanted to give a note of gratitude this thread.

    I've avoided the ESF platform after my first initial experiences with it a long time ago and recently certed up ESF for each faction and am having a blast learning.

    If I could figure out if it's a setting thing or what I'm doing wrong when pushing or pulling the mouse to turn sharply I'd be in a much better place.

    With the exception of the Scythe the problem I have is pushing the mouse for a quick turn feels to me like I need to-keep-pushing-forward-with-the-mouse the entire time and I run out of mousepad. I've never experienced this with any other game.

    That and probably most ESF pilots are used to, but the reticule that you sight shots too, don't line up on any ESF. I find that shooting up or down from the target works better than a direct shot. - Weird stuff this...
  10. Larek

    Sharp turns: roll to your prefered side and pitch up or down (thumb buttons on your mouse are really handy for pitch up and down). Pitching down is always better because you will then enter hover mode more easily.
    Always use your keyboard/thumb buttons for hard maneuvers because they are not dependant on your sensitivty and will give you 100% of output. The mouse is only there for aiming and small movements/corrections to line up better shots.
  11. PWGuy93

    I spent the afternoon yesterday practicing this and figured out the reverse thrust maneuver and flipping the ESF around quickly and on target. Mouse button 5 is my new friend.
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  12. Matti

    Actually I have no keybindings for any turns or rolls, I do it all with mouse movements
  13. Matti

    Must feel great to be an semi anonymouse player who doesn't get targeted too much.
    I remember those days :)
  14. SushiCW

    Stealth over NAR is 100% viable and highly underrated. Fire suppression works fine to heal minor damage, and (especially if you're running Vortek!) you need to land fairly frequently to rearm anyways. That extra second of lock time makes a huge difference against missiles, and being much more able to stay off peoples' minimaps makes all sorts of offensive and defensive shenanigans easier to pull off.
  15. Matti

    I'm actually tempted to try it out, thanks for feedback