Latest info on the anniversary bundle, this looks like the entire bundle and it includes some really cool stuff, cannons loaded with midges for the magrider and scythe, holo-armour and knives, a really cool looking NS baron and some variation of the NS-15M. (the model and textures aren't currently working) As usual here is a video wot I did about it:
Crap no, glowing composite armour and a few mediocre reskins. The horns are pretty fun, but that's not worth the package. For me anyways. Thanks for the video.
Anniversary camo of 2014 is not very nice. :L Some kind of wheels with curves going out of them. The previous gray green one was better. Tank horn is funny.
It also includes a 6 month heroic boost. If nothing else, That alone makes the expected price of $40 worth it.
these MBT/ESF horns with the confetti effect are freaking HORRIBLE! what are the devs doing to their game? it looks like a toddler's birthday party already
No, look it's called strategy. and in this case the strategy is to cause the opponent to laugh uncontrollably, making them go afk, and during that time you blast the heck out of as many of them as you can with your new party tank. I do agree it's ridiculous, but in retrospect there are tons of suckers (like me) who REALLY want to toss money at something as silly as that. I mean you shouldn't have your game be all about being serious (you can watch the news to get your fill of that), it should be (at least to me) fun and relaxing, with a side of awesomeness, and so far i think the devs have done a good part in at least making my day.
40€? Are you f*cking kidding me? lolnope. I was thinking about dishing out some money to SOE, given the fact that they made a game that kept me entertained for about a year now. That anniversary pack sounded like a good enough opportunity to do that. But I was only willing to fork over 10€...maybe 15€ tops. I ain't paying 40 for some some holo armor, a camo and horns I wouldn't ever use anyway. No, thank you.
Giving armor we already have a sci-fi fabulous reskin? Giving vehicles the ability to fart sparks or confetti? Giving weapons we already have a reskin which resembles normal, modern weapons with a swath of orange paint!? Giving knives a reskin you can only see for a split second? All for, what, 3500 SC!? I know that isn't all finalized, but what the heck... who thinks of this stuff!?! I was hoping that the devs would honor those of us playing and supporting since beta with a nice anniversary badge or something like they did back in 2013. I know budgets are tight, but geebus.
I quite like the camo, and the hard light armour looks OK - more sublte than the other factions unless they have been changed since I last saw them. The Mag horn I am not very keen on, I would prefer an actual horn and what's with the sparks? In all not really worth it for me.
The real value is in the 50% 6 month boost that's also shoved in there, those things are normally sold for $40, making the entire bundle fluff for the boost.
yeah used the directive trick to look at the armors across factions. some of them are just composite or drakon armor pieces that have been teamcolored and made holographic (e.g Vanu Max, NC engineer?). Only worth the $40-36 if you regularly buy the 6 month heroic boost for $40. $40 is far too much considering you can buy an expansion in EQ2 for that much and buy a game for less then that. I like the camos, they are way better then cells instead of screaming that you are X faction to your enemies eyes, it's saying yo i'm this faction. The bundle should be like $20-$25 without the heroic boost (instead run a discount sale on the heroic boost)
As a paying member I refuse to fork out 40$ or even 20$(If the 20$ won't get me that Heroic boost I consider it too much), I'd much rather stock on SC and wait for XMass. The camo is crap, the ultimate camo is black from the Directives(Funnily enough, on the PStudio I think it was TRay that turned down a player made black camo saying "You can't just make a black camo and sell it", I think it was Steveo's). Until then it's either default(I like the detail) or Scary Faces(I like the damaged look it gives) for me. The armour is not so good and I expect more armours to show up eventually, holo or not, which will be a lot better. I'll wait. In fact PS2 might not even be around by the time they realize they need to open up all the assets for artists. The weapons are a joke, at best they can help you gain the aforementioned black camo- Then again Directives are sooo farm and spam... GLHF I'm not even going to bother, it's a turn off trying to Aurax my favourite weapons already. Directives are simply boring. The vehicle horns are [Deleted as I can't be polite in describing those]. I don't mind my immersion destroyed further if it's a Candy Cannon or pink weapons but that's also my limit! Enough of that! So what else is in there? Knives? I'd rather buy them separately for when we'll be able to wield them or when they decide to add more animations or functions to them. Honestly as a discount Space Marine I really, really like my pocket Chain Sword either way. Sure, there's this boost but as a member I make ~400 Certs each session and I'm not even lucky with the farms I find. Do I use a MAX too? Sure, at one point I was certain to spam that a little- I want them Aurax medals. Not to mention that albeit being a bit of a Peek-A-Boo game between MAX and C4/Rockets, it does feel like a nice, heavy suit of OP Terminator armour. Enough to get me my fix if I play right. Plus it's still at 6% use, not really a spam. I play all classes equally. *Clear Conscience* So why would I crave that boost so bad? Better to spend SC on 1 or 2 3Day boost sale and burn them during 2XP WEs, that's all I will ever need if I need Certs real fast. Lastly I've been flirting with the idea of cancelling my sub(In fact for a long while now) as I feel the game is still in Beta and a bit broken here and there, why would I spend more than 15$ for the whole Anniversary bundle, boost included, all things considered? Or rather, why would I ever spend 40$!? Even a cosmetics addict like me can see a clear line not to be crossed here. Again, there are blades, armours and body kits coming for all vehicles. Much rather invest in those. But that's just my opinion. Which will probably be deleted by Mods just for mentioning PS2 and Beta in the same sentence.
Er, I'm not sure I understand... All that stuff will only be available in that bundle? So, for example, I main infiltrator and play a bit of engineer on the side, and I hate the glowy armor, ridiculouss horns and ugly camo. Meaning only thing I'd care about in that package are the knife and maybe, maybe the shotgun... I won't be able to buy them alone?
Well then that's horrible. I guess they won't get my money this time. Not that I was all that eager to throw it at them any-more since the Halloween atrocity, but still. Would at least have grabbed the knife and the shotgun, but the whole pile of junk? Lolnope.
Mahaut I'm sure there will be more Holo crap before we know it(Figure of speech, they'll want to milk this)... And some PlayerStudio blades(And the couple of armours some people already designed) look very promising even if they won't be neon tube toys. I actually think that's for the best. Way I see it, I won't spend 40 now just because I can't wait to get into a new suit of armour- Last time I did that was with the new Infiltrator armour they made and DAMN it was a bad investment(As TR). Lower the price to something closer to 15 and I'll bite but it'll still be pushing it; Have you considered that other MMOs actually REWARD you for sticking with them for so long AND paying FFS?!? You know what, I say that for 2 year long members this should be FREE, just have a version which includes the boost for 5-10Euro. Cuz if during XMass sales they slice the price of that boost those who paid full for the Anniv pack will rage hard and rightly so. Think about it. SOE needs to come up with a far better pitch on this, especially for members but also for F2Pers after cutting their free Certs. Right now it's BS.
I'll be honest, my main reasons to purchase this is the new "Exceptional" directive weapons -AE baron and NS-15- so that I can aurax them instead of grinding aurax on "Exceptional" pistols for the black camo. I've already got the Phoenix AE and NS-11P auraxed, still about 300-400 kills left to go on my gold Cyclone, and this bundle will keep me from having to aurax the NS-44P and a V-Day crossbow. All I really need are two more primary weapons and i'll have enough to make the 5 auraxiumed weapon req. for the black camo. (Pistols are a terribly slow grind, especially since stalkers are 10x easier to spot in deepcloak since the cloak visibility "unification" across all graphics qualities. Stalker cloak is d@mn near useless now.)