Victory for Waterson VS, Not so much for NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Invako, May 15, 2013.

  1. Invako

    VS, last night you guys were kind of boss. You guys did some excellent fighting, and you kept it fun and interesting.

    NC I don't know what the hell was wrong with you last night, but you were just downright unpleasent. I'm not sure if you've got twelve year olds running your outfit now, but it'd be real nice if you'd show some sportsmanship and stop being little trolls. Value your enemy in this game, they are the ones providing your entertainment.
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  2. Boildown

    All I got to play was about 1 hour around 6 PM and another hour around 11 PM, which is far less than I usually play. So what happened? I must not have seen it, all I saw was two continents where NC had the bonus. Your post is very high on generalities and very light on specifics.
  3. Total_Overkill

    I dunno either... he might be talking about some weird 3am BS.
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  4. Ghosty11

    I believe that he is referring to how the VS capped Indar during prime time without NC help (well I guess you can say the NC helped by not interfering), and later after the Esamir alert the NC and TR were trying hard to relieve us of the Indar lock. I went to bed around 2:30AM EDT after we had pushed back both factions. Lots of good fighting on Indar last night.
  5. Tommyp2006

    VS took Indar because both other factions completely abandoned it for Esamir and the Amerish ALERT that was happening at the same time.

    This forum really needs subsections for specific servers so the general section stops getting so cluttered.
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  6. Czuuk

    Two continents were partying with freedom this morning. Unfortunately oppression has returned to one of them.
  7. Slyguy65

    Vanu can only ever cap stuff by taking their ENTIRE faction to one continent....during an alert, to ghost cap.

    Granted with the right people on...that wouldn't happen.

    But ya, NC pop goes up pretty high at night...hence the annoyance with pop. The TR spreads it self thin cause they think they have global pop a lot...when they really don't. Sometimes they do but good god that changes literally in the blink of an eye some times *cough* fourth faction *cough*

    There needs to be a way so people can't faction switch on the same server on every whim.
  8. Ghosty11

    You keep believing that we capped Indar with an empty continent during an alert last night during prime time. The Esamir alert started while we were capping the last TR held base at Mesa Comm. Yes we had to have our entire population to do it because we don't have a ~40% world population like some other factions do. *cough*

    There also needs to be some sort of penalty to keep people from stacking one faction during alerts to cash in on easy XP, like cut the XP bonus in half when you faction has a +50% continent population or something of the sort.
  9. ({x})Kyoji

    I remember when the VS used to triple capture right and left during release but sadly the disparity has grown. It is nice to be recognized as the toughest faction but it would be nice to actually have the man power to capture and hold a continent.
  10. Leo Cyrule

    Vanu faced stacked odds constantly with guns that have Ok damage and decent sized clips. If you give them the NC guns then they will be terrifing. If you give them the TRs guns, then one person can rip apart an army.

    What I am saying is... when the odds are even, and the vanu has good leadership. Prepare to rage hard core ;-;. Those stacked odds made even the worst player spec ops. We don't run. We don't give up. We will fight till our CPUs are fried.
  11. NinjaTurtle

    Which for those that were not on was?
  12. Obscura

    Because, unlike your faction. We are organized and coordinated enough to communicate between all of our outfits to focus our attacks on one area. yours doesn't. We've been holding you off on indar since this morning, and you haven't been able to cap it despite outnumbering us(See Pic below). Let me guess, this is because we have a secret alliance with the NC? Quit trying to downplay everything we do slyguy lol, you look dumb doing it
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  13. GSZenith

    erm so what happened?
  14. Invako

    Yeah, wrote this at kind of an early point for me. Anyway, let me be more specific: NC is turning into a bunch of **** talking troglodites. I mean, seriously, could you guys shut up and play during prime time? Or, if you're going to occupy yell chat in a region, try to be nice? You don't have to be on the enemy's D to be nice, just keep the banter friendly, light hearted. You're doing that same **** tonight on the Indar Alert, just screeching obsenities across the canyon walls, talking **** about 'tryhards' and 'lololTRtryingtobebadomgurmominthebuttkthx.' And don't act like some people being that way isn't YOUR problem because you don't do it. Lead your faction, don't let this place turn into LoL's community.
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  15. Hemi

    Another one of these topics....

    It's like a guy in a public bathroom looking over to your package saying "MINES BIGGER!!"
    Can't these go in a trashcan section of the forums or something? They add NOTHING as far as discussion related. It's just smack-talking. All the replies are always the same, crying folk with the occasional "lemme swing my sausage in your face" comment.

    BORING, and very far from a decent discussion about the actual game.

    silly kiddies
  16. Chioxin

    It's nice you say we Vanu have class but man, I've seen it across all factions, us Vanu included. I try to speak out against it! I'm totally behind you and what you're saying here! That's all that can really be done. Anyway, props!
  17. Chioxin

    While the post following the OP certainly turned INTO that... that was not the original message the OP had to give. He's simply asking for people from a specific faction to quit the trash talking and play. And it's horrible trash talking that goes on in Yell's. It's not like "I rocked you blah blah blah." It's "you guys are worthless for x,y,z." followed by comments about mom's, uncles, kids, and families. =p
  18. Invako

    That's largely my fault. My original post was ****, but I don't think I was awake when I wrote it ><