VERY IMPORTANT!!! If you own any SoE game on steam READ THIS.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raveo, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Xanek

  2. Mansen

    What an ignorant and insulting remark. In most countries you cannot get a high speed connection and TRUE endless bandwidth.
  3. Gary

    Since Day 1 of release they have said If you need to update use the SOE launcher which can be found in the steam install files and validate the game files. Do not use steam to do this.
  4. eyez

    No its not. When some one is whining about that they cant download things, coz they have limited internet, or have slow spead, i dont se how it is SOEs problem.

    And SOE sad from begining, dont use steam for anything else then download the client. everything else should be done in laucher.

    Ignorans is when you ignorre what SOE tells you, and whine about it to them like a litle girl. ad blaming your contry for bad internet.
  5. Mansen

    You seem to be confused. It is entirely SOE's problem if people cannot download their patches due to limitations on the clientside. Not directly of course - but indirectly, which directly means less profit.

    This is exactly why they've been warning people up front about the big "re-download everything" sized patch that is coming soon.

    And for the love of god, if you can't spell words properly on your own, at least install a spell checker to do it for you. Your posts are nearing the point of being entirely unreadable.
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  6. Blitzkrieg

    This was all I could think about:
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  7. eyez

    I am using SOE launcher, and i have no problem with patching.
    When you start using another program to patch, you are on your own. STEAM is just a way to get the client. But you have to use game client (SOE) to update the game.

    And we don't know, why steam have no support for SOE client. From what er know, Steam screwed SOE over, telling SOE to use them, and then lack of support for the client. its not all about World vs SOE.
  8. Wobberjockey

    Steam is notorious for downloading too much information.
    happened with global agenda too.
    basically if file X is a huge texture package, and a small part of X needs to be changed, Steam will ALWAYS download all of X

    so the reason other games work is because they have hundreds of smaller files, so steam does not have that issue. now i'm not a software dev, but 'fixing' the problem would likely require rebuilding the entire client at this point, which not only seams silly, but it requires sacrificing any benefits that those texture packages confer.
  9. XLander

    Stop using steam
    problem solved
  10. Mansen

    Just stop talking, Eyez. Seriously :rolleyes:
  11. Yian

    Also to debunk the "It's only SOE, they suck!!!1"...

    Used verify integrity on APB Reloaded... 999 files failed to validate and will be reacquired.
  12. eyez

    same goes to you Mansen, dont play this game, if you think SOE doing it wrong.
  13. Mansen

    See this is exactly what I mean - You're all over the place. You're rambling on like a madman.

    My only argument is that this issue is important to SOE - the fault is not directly with then (from a laissez faire point of view - i.e. Screw efficient patching. That is the customer's problem), but it most certainly is an indirect problem for them.
  14. eyez

    There is ALOT of bugs in the game. and sorting out ppl who are using steam, and dont know how steam works is last thing on that list.

    U start rambling about how some countries dont have internet. so child please
  15. Freyar

    I'm having trouble understanding what is going on here. I'm reading two separate issues.

    • Using Steam's Backup Utility requires a full redownload as the backup utility actually DELETES the content instead of saving it.
      • This is a bug if it's true. I'm currently testing it myself to see if this is the case. Unlike others I'll happily REPORT these issues to the people responsible, namely ValvE.
    • Verifying Planetside 2 on Steam requires a long download.
      • This is pretty standard for MMOs as launchers do the patching. Developers for MMOs typically give Steam "milestone" builds every so often. EvE Online may not be having trouble because they just recently released an expansion (which results in a milestone build being posted to the content servers.)
    If it's issue #1, then let's get it reported so it can be fixed. This is Steam's fault.

    If it's issue #2, learn how the system works and avoid verifying. This is SOE's fault.

    As far as being inefficient with downloading content, it used to be that way. The old GCF format used to have that problem, then they moved to a newer format (NCF) that helped it a little but still wasn't that efficient, now we're on ACF that does it better. We've been through three formats and they get better each time.
  16. upako

    sigh i wish the whole steam business came with a full on warning like right in your face on the patcher, i tried ti back it up so i can move to my new pc and what do you know, the whole game gets deleted =.= thats another 12 hours of dling for me.
  17. Sliced

    “Australian internet comes with a download limit.”

    By the Gods this made me laugh.
    You don't realise how much you just cheered me up.
    This has to be the most simplistic but funniest thing I have ever seen on any forum.

    But onto the point at hand, who ever uses the Steam back up feature?
    Just copy and paste the game folder. When I format my computer I copy the entire steam folder and reinstall Steam to the Steam location (stored on a different HDD) and BAM do not need to reinstall / download anything else.
    You can even copy and paste the PS2 downloaded of the Planetside 2 website...
  18. Cl1mh4224rd

    It's a bit of both, actually.

    Steam's backup function verifies the game before making the backup. Since Steam isn't aware of updates to PlanetSide 2 (because SOE uses its own updater for their games), the verification process flags a whole bunch of files as failing validation and immediately forces a download of what it thinks are the correct versions, then backs up the game. Steam ends up backing up an older (the original release?) version of the game.

    This is a problem because not only is it blowing some peoples' limited bandwidth by downloading old versions of files, if restored from that backup, the game will blow even more bandwidth updating itself to the current version.

    I'm not going to place blame, but it is a bit of a mess.
  19. Exchequer

    I have succesfully used steambackup on planetside 2...

    If backup before validation steam will say that the backup was unsuccesfull

    If you validate you will re-download a part of the game (e.g. 3.6 GB). Aferthis you can backup the game (proveded you DID NOT start the launcher).

    Works like a charm...
  20. Irathi

    Memebase is your friend.
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