I played Planetside 2 for over a year as a 'free' player, only buying SC for cosmetic items and occasionally weapons. 3 weeks ago I figured the game was in a good enough state to consider subscribing and decided I'd do my part to support the game and its developers. Ever since I subscribed though, it seems that I've spent more time crashing, lagging and trying to log in than actually playing. This is completely unacceptable, when specifically paying for a 'premium' service. Many times I end up completely giving up on trying to log back in - it frequently takes 20-40 minutes. This is as a Briggs player who experiences similar issues on 2 different computers (one high end, one low end).
What's a subscriber's double XP weekend without things like crashing to desktop upon switching continents? Bonus points for crashing drivers with this game every 20 minutes.
The game is very bugged right now, with the heaviest damage is on you Briggish. I just hope they stop updating new stuff and focus on stabilize the game.
Completely stopping uploading the game to work on stability doesn't solve anything either, because then we end up with the whole situation we had for 6 months last year with OMFG - a long period of the game getting more and more stale and bleeding players for some improvements which only lasted a few months. I primarily play on a low-end computer and its performance is currently as bad if not worse than pre-PU01.