[Suggestion] Vehicle wish list ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Diilicious, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. Diilicious

    You may agree, you may not.

    1. All vehicle weapons HUD's will auto level on the screen the same way ESF HUD's do.
    2. Unarmed vehicles and passenger positions have a toggleable reticle to help them spot things.
    3. As vehicle owner I can right click on any occupied seat displayed on the vehicle health icon to bring up a Tell/Swap/Eject/Bar sub menu, so i can talk to / forcibly swap seat / outright remove specific persons or Ban them from sitting in weapon seats.
    4. As Vehicle owner I can toggle all weapons in my vehicle to be powered up or powered down as I see fit.
    5. I want a new chat ( /v ) channel solely for Vehicle interior chat, which will ping in a similar but quieter manner all persons inside the vehicle you are inside of.
    6. Vehicle owners / Gunner positions can press Ctrl + Q on an enemy unit to spot and highlight them for double the length of a regular spot, it would also put a target reticle over the targeted object for all occupants to see and focus on.
    7. Tanks have better grip on the terrain making most of the landscape not feel like you are driving on butter covered marble flooring, this should also have the bonus of eliminating the slow sliding lateral movement of tanks when they are stationary.
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  2. OgreMarkX

    Great ideas. Love the sliding on butter description. So true.
  3. Campagne

    I'm a little iffy about most of these, but number 2 and number 7 are great in my opinion.
  4. Cyropaedia

    Number 7 is a faction trait for the VS. Magburn itself is useless but Magrider's gimble and thrust stability offsets Vanguard Shield and Prowler Lockdown as well as Vanguard/Prowler turrret elevation capability.
  5. Diilicious

    8. As well as the red hit markers you see for shots successfully landed, you will see Green hitmarkers for successful gunner shots

    I meant for treaded vehicles, the constant sliding of a tank from right to left or left to right when you are otherwise completely stationary is absurd and a needless detriment to otherwise fine vehicles.
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  6. Liewec123

    and a display for remaining ammo and reload status of gunners would be awesome :)
    no more relying on voice chat and shouting "reloading!" every 5 seconds :p

    also hit markers flashing on the seat icon to display when the person on that gun lands hits.

    people have asked for small guncams so as the driver you can see what your gunner is doing but i don't think that isn't really possible with the engine, as cool as it would be. :)
  7. Demigan

    1: auto-level? I'm missing something.
    2: the game should sport overlays if it allows third party overlays. That way its not a (moral) Grey area and its more balanced. You shouldnt ever be able to get advantages with 3rd party software that you cant get normally in-game.
    3: yes. Just a sweet and slick screen. Where you can drag and drop players, or set weapons on inactive until the vehicle is damaged, or allow deeper configurations such as weapons being active for 20 seconds after something got damaged within 5m distance of your vehicle so the vehicle can defend itself when under attack and automatically locks up again afterwards.
    4: see 3, good idea.
    5:not super important but not terrible either.
    6: no to double length spot unless you can have only one active at a time and a new spot removes the old one. Otherwise, yes to easier non-verbal communications! Great idea!
    7: I fear that would need a huge overhaul to vehicle physics. While a good idea I think it would be too much effort for too little gain.
    8: yes Please! Just be sure to include a tutorial so pkayers learn why their gunner seems to fire far later than yourself because of latency but actually fires earlier than the actual hitmarker you see.
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  8. Pikachu

    I don't understand the 1st one but all else should have been in since release. It's stuff we all have thought of as obvious.

    I suspect this is a limitation in the physics because of the scale. Such an obvious thing would have been fixed by now otherwise. War Thunder does not have the problem of sliding tanks but it's 16v16. Also in rare cases it has the problem of vehicles shaking a little when standing still. Quite an annoyance when you're trying to shoot with your 8x scope then wait 10s for the reload.
  9. Diilicious

    To elaborate on #1, here I made a picture.

  10. TheSunlikeOne

    As a vehicle owner, player should be able to swap seats without asking permission from another player.
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  11. AllRoundGoodGuy

    Both thumbs up!!
  12. Anonymous Qwop

    I would trade this for top speed in all directions.