[Suggestion] Vehicle Stealth buff?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Keidranex, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. Keidranex

    As we all know, being invisible on the mini-map is great, but I think vehicle stealth could also have more stealth applications.

    My idea was per rank it would also make the engine quieter, and suppress the smoke effect when damaged (not get rid of it, but make it less visible).
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  2. Klabauter8

    I like hearing the sound of my engine though.

    It makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside.

    If I want to be more quiet then I just move slower.
  3. Jake the Dog

    I'd really rather it not do that.
  4. Pelojian

    While a nice idea the cost of adding it would be higher then using it yourself. if two tankers are in approximately the same area running stealth if one listens for the other's engine by exiting their vehicle and looking around to get a direction they should be able to punish the other tanker for not doing the same or lingering in the area.

    The good is you get protected from your idea
    the moderate is enemy vehicles get protected too
    The bad is air will ask for this making ESFs and libs even harder to fight against because they will pull stealth for every advantage against you.

    remember how gals got repair and resupply? that little hologram that works so well on sunderers for identifying them doesn't do jack for ground trying to find and track one repair gal in a group of 3-4 of them to destroy it like you can for enemy sunderers.
  5. Liewec123

    quieter engine is a great idea, especially for wraith flash.
  6. FateJH

    I'm assuming Wraith and Stealth are not ther same things.
  7. Pelojian

    no. you already have active camo past 20m noise should always betray your presence to give enemy players a good chance of hitting you when it is possible to see your cloak graphic at close range similarly to an infiltrator's cloak giving off noise when it is activated or deactivated.
  8. TekDragon84

    Isn't Wraith and Stealth the same slot?
  9. Archiadus

    Making the smoke less visible sounds great to me, whenever my Harasser is smoking during a chase / escape situation I might as well drive around with a big arrow sign above my head asking to get killed by hungry ESFs. :p

    Wraith is Utility and Stealth is Defense.
  10. CorporationUSA

    As someone who spends at least half their time in an ESF, I would hate for this to be applied to air. Being off the mini-map is a massive advantage, and stealth on an ESF is already the best defensive option. And ganking is already a powerful enough strategy, it doesn't need a buff.

    For the ground, I'm gonna say no because running people down with a harasser or flash doesn't need a buff.
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  11. Liewec123

    wraith is the utility slot skill that lets you cloak like an infiltrator
    stealth is the defensive slot which removes you from the mini map and elongates missile lock on time :)