Vehicle Lag

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by theholeyone, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. theholeyone

    As a player down in New Zealand we have some sheep which are partial to chewing on the copper, so we have somewhat high pings to the prison colony's server, briggs.

    Anyway, I've noticed a bit of lag in vehicles with regard to collision detection mainly, and wondering if that might affect other aspects of vehiclular combat as well.
    The collision stuff is mainly roadkills going undetected, I find that I have to be going at a high speed or against static targets to reliable get kills, suggesting the collision detection is likely server side. Likewise for collisions with other vehicles, often taken damage or being killed when not even contacting them at my end; though it is rare I take damage and momentum without seeing the collision on my screen; suggesting collision damage is one server side too, but the driving mechanics of collision detection is done client side.

    Then there is things like dogfighting, quite fast and all about position, and I'm rubbish at it which may or may not be causal from the former. I'm pretty sure that damage is still applied clientside, but with the lag in a chasing each other's tail fight, they might be as close behind me as I think I am to them; which gives neither of us an advantage, but makes it seem like we might when we don't.

    I dunno, thoughts? similar experiences?