Vehicle Discussion Sub Forum Removed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jetlag, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Jetlag

    So am I being ******** or has the vehicle discussion forum been removed? I cant find it anymore for the life of me.
    Is this further pandering to Infantryside 2?
    Is this SOEs attempt to further ostracize people who enjoy and desire challenging and engaging vehicle gameplay?

    Despite your views or bias towards vehicles in Planetside 2, the vehicle sub forum was a useful source of information to players new and old. So explain to me why it was removed.

    Edit: Forum structure change announced here
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  2. Crayv

    I was wondering about this as well.

    Though my guess is they removed it because half the discussions were nothing but pilots arguing about Tomcats and Coyotes.
  3. Leftconsin

    You know... I thought it was a bug. A forum bug somehow.

    I'm now starting to think it is a conspiracy against vehicles.
  4. Alarox

    No and no. SOE doesn't hate people because they use vehicles, that's beyond absurd.

    In any case I'm bothered by them removing it too. I agree with your sentiment.
  5. Leftconsin

    Generally I agree, but this particular piece of evidence indicates the other way.
  6. Jetlag

    Absurdity makes for a better OP though dont you think?
    Im just expressing my disappointment as I was a regular reader of the vehicle section and believe it served as much if not more importance than the class discussion forum for example.
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  7. JesNC

    I had the exact opposite feelings about the vehicle subforum tbh. For me there were just tons of complaints and ragethreads drowning out the few informative threads.

    I still don't think it should have been removed, but I'm certainly shedding no tears for its disappearance.
  8. ColonelChingles

    Well it's like Infiltrators get their own subforum. Friggin Infiltrators.

    And all of PS2's vehicles, all 12 of them, have their subforum removed.

    I mean I already thought it was strange how they lumped all vehicles together in the first place... and now we're not even worth that. :(
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  9. Raap

    Hah, that's hilarious. Or wait, is it?

    At least delete the infantry class forums as well, currently this shows the obvious dislike SOE has for non-infantry gameplay.

    Next step? Remove all vehicles from the game?
  10. Flag

    Even so it was still better than the general gameplay section.
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  11. JesNC

    Not better... just different.

    Vehicle Discussion was all salt, bitterness and serious s***.

    General Discussion is glorious popcorn.
  12. Frozen-K

    Obviously that's what made it better.
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  13. Maelthra

    The Ideas and Suggestions forum is gone, too.
  14. ShadowyN

    So now we have to use Gameplay and watch the topics be buried under a hundred other topics, or use reddit?
  15. Stormsinger

    The vehicular vehicularity of the vehicles was too vehiculuous.


    Also, it was removed as part of a forum restructure, although i'd really like it back - check the stickies, radarx posted about it last night, I believe.
  16. Forlorn Hope

    I don't understand why all the Infantry Classes get to keep their individual forums when the Vehicle forums were merged with Gameplay. Vehicle forums had more activity then the individual class forums and many thought provoking discussions were had. Now those discussions will get drowned out by all the fluff like Vanu are OP because their stock camo is darker at night.
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  17. Flag

    I'd go as far as to say the Vehicle Sub Forum was the second most active section on the forum, only beaten by this one.
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