Vehicle Debris Damage Buff?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Laraso, May 8, 2013.

  1. Laraso

    Did they recently buff the lethality of vehicle debris? I keep dying because some Vangaurd next to me explodes and then the wreckage rolls over ontop of my Vangaurd instantly killing me from full health, or I shoot down a Scythe trying to photon pod me and then the wreckage of the Scythe lands on my tank killing it instantly.
  2. BlueSkies

    Had a great fight near regent rock the other day in a vanguard. I was next to 3 other vanguards. All 4 tanks died within a matter of seconds after one blew up and the wreckage bounced across the others... If it wasn't so ridiculous I probably would have been pissed off
  3. Soundmonitor

    with my experience when I shoot down an esf and the debris hit me I die, its been like this for awhile now.
  4. Xind

    I've always been instantly killed in any vehicle when any debris from an aircraft or MBT touched me in a bad place.
  5. LightningWolfTigrBer

    As far as I know debris has always instagibbed, I've even died just jumping on it as infantry. Maybe they've just made it bounce more so it's more likely to land on you?
  6. Total_Overkill

    Liberator debris bounces off my MAX's head all the time with no effect... but tank corpses? Im 50m away on a hill, why is tank debris flying towards me?