Yeah. I found that out later. So now a question i have is at what distance? I think my problem is i'm trying to hit targets TOO far. So at what range should i just give up and try to get closer before attempting to fire?
IMHO the Hydra is designed for CQB. You want a 1x reflex on it, not a 4x scope. If you're in a situation where you need to be using a 4x scope to target someone effectively, you're using the wrong gun. Add to that the fact soft point ammo loses its effectiveness at distance as well, you probably want to be running laser sight, 1x scope and softpoint on the Hydra and use the foregrip and scopes on something else.
H-V45 is the best in cqc but the ns-11a is best for mid to long range. H-V45 and ns-11a both have such low recoil its barely noticable but H-V45 has adv laser wich pulls your hip fire sights super tight
totally agree, this is what my Vanu medic runs with now and its a great combo for those moments when you just have to kill someone
Just tried the new gun... Feeling weird after using H-V45. VERY slow rate of fire, so you need to hit your target more accurately, but VERY fast reload speed.
Trialed the H-V45 at a Bio Lab defense. Bought it almost right after the trial was over. I had been running the default Pulsar w/Grip and 2x sight. The H-V45 was noticeably better at close range. I could rely on it to hip fire and generally kill, whereas there's more 'pray' involved with the Pulsar. About 10 minutes into the trial I realized "It's this good at hip fire AND it has two ranks of laser sight?" The tighter cone of fire is appreciated (looks like it's slightly worse while ADSing and moving than the Pulsar, something to keep in mind). The fire rate (aka, hitting 0 bullets) is faster so if you're missing you have less time to correct it (but if you're hitting, they drop faster so.... don't miss?) instead of just going full auto hip fire spray and pray while you track the other guy. That's what pistol backup if for anyways. The reload is longer, but it didn't feel painfully long. Still seemed quite useable outside of hip fire range, though there was enough bounce to not full auto the entire clip compared to a Pulsar (with grip, maybe H-V45 will feel similar if it had a grip). As has been mentioned there's other guns for long range, but it's serviceable enough while still being extremely powerful up close.
So far, my ARs of choice are the NS-11, H-V45 and Corvus. NS-11 is for versatility - it does decently well at a variety of ranges. I also go for it when I feel like using a gun with physical bullets (just for the feel). H-V45 for close range. Advanced laser sights is pretty beastly. Corvus for longer ranges - it's surprisingly good at that job. I also have laser sights on it for the rare times that i have to shoot in close range.
I have to revise my statement. The CME is absolutly worse atm. They nerved it so much after beta... Every other Vanu Medic Weapon is better. I would actually prefer the Corvus if you like it slow and deadly or the H-V45 if you like a allround beast with high rate of fire.
Yes I love the corvus, will require a compensator as it does have some climb but it's manageable without. NS11 med range / general purpose Corvus Long to Med. Thanatos close quarter. Works like a charm.
Did this because of your comment and it is a beast!!! So accurate at medium range, can't fault it. Having said this i keep hearing good things about the NS11, i might have to give it a trial.
THB i haven't really experimented much with weapons however i have bought all the rifles, and Galaxy guns and Mara tank weapons... I will try out some of these combo's and see which one suits me best. i believe the Grip and reflex would suit me as i'm always medium range and in long distance fighting I'm too busy healing the idiots that stand in the open lol I really want that Medic Grenade tho...
Really, you can't go wrong with the NS11, it's a great all-around weapon. Plus, as VS, it can confuse the other factions, since it sounds like their weapons, instead of the distinct VS "pew pew pew".