Hello, I'm your local purple man. It's been a while, due to the idiotic removal of the Off-Topic sub-forum. I'll just get straight to the point. Every. Single. Fight. I have. With the NC. Has. Hordes. Of. Reaver. Spam. I'm not kidding. If there is any sort of ledge or high-ground, they flock to it like flies around putrid steaks, and simply wreck any sort of vehicles we have within that ridiculous range. It seems like it's the only strategy they know. Frankly it's getting annoying. Almost every fight I have with the TR has a few Vulcan Harassers. Although they aren't nearly as powerful as they once were, they still are an effective weapon on a highly mobile and harder-to-hit platform. I have seen both factions pull 'mass air raids' , if that's what you call them, of ESFs,, but not the VS. And yet, as a strict Vanu player, I look around, and there isn't a "Vanu Spammy" go-to weapon I see at every fight. The PPA was once a magnificent weapon, wrecking infantry almost as effectively as reavers wreck vehicles, but they have been nerfed almost to oblivion, and I'm lucky if I see one at all at a fight. I've only been in one, single situation where I've seen a mass Lasher attack. So my question is, as I might be blind, what weapon do you consider to be the Vanu Spam gun?
Ask yourself why you only see the opposing factions do it. Indeed, ask yourself why most of your deaths and from opposing factions...
VS spammed magriders at relese Maxes during ZoE age PPA during it FOTM Nowday, they uses more or less everything they can. I rarely see NC & TR using as much them ressources for force multipliers. But maybe it's a matters of servers.
... Nah, I haven't died to a reaver in ages. I'm more annoyed by the constant screeching, and the nearly complete invulnerability of the platform. My ears!