Vanu: Point, hold M1 and win

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by day ofm one, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. day ofm one

    Anyone else getting anoyed by constantly getting spammed down by VS heavys, just blocking M1 and going AFK to farm?

    And why do I have a crappy TR gun, which shakes more than a pneumatic hammer?

    Something is terribly wrong about recoil balance in this game.

    While most TR weapons are unuseable after 30 meters, VS just have to hold the trigger and wait for the kill.

    How the hell shall we TR compensate 1 milimeter recoil kicks on the screen on a 700+ RPM weapon?

    That is less than 0.1 second time to compensate the recoil, that is impossible.

    VS 500 RPM can compensate that much easyer, so why do they have ~0 recoil?

    I don't even try to fight VS anymore, except it is a small base.

    Somehow I am annoyed of being murdered with 100% accuracy on 100 meters range.

    Did anyone else notice, that you can mostly only spawn into fights against VS?

    I have to go to the warpgate and grab a Mosquito, when I want to get away from a Vanu fight, simply because there is no spawn to any NC fight.
  2. Flag

    I see the same **** from NC and TR too.
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  3. Forumside

    Use a compensator + advance foregrip + burst fire. Welcome to the modern first person shooter.

    You're not suppose to hold the trigger down when you fire. Also, your guns are much better at burst firing than the VS weapons due to a lower first shot recoil. Thirdly, your guns are better at close range than the VS weapons due to a higher RoF.
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  4. sindz

    ... What.
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  5. Unsp0kn

    Nah, it's not just VS. Some people are great shots at range, no matter the faction. Burst firing, leading target and the add-ons mentioned above all help take someone down at greater range.

    Our weapons really don't have that bad of recoil, the NC are worse.
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  6. Flag

    Well per shot yes.
    TR (and VS to some extent) have more horizontal than NC do.
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  7. FactionTraitsFTW

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  8. Unsp0kn

    That's true, I always forget about horizontal recoil.
  9. Whatupwidat

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  10. Tyrant103

    2/10 thread, troll is not strong
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  11. Flag

    I personally find the NC guns generally have the easiest to control recoil, as it's mostly just vertical.
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  12. DrPapaPenguin

    I once held down M1 and reaped a field of kills. And I was holding the damn knife. L2P.
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  13. Unsp0kn

    I haven't played NC much, but vertical recoil is definitely easier to compensate for, I agree!
  14. Flag

    Make an alt, go to VR and try the EM-6.
    Then you make a VS alt and play around with the Flare.
    Then go back to TR and compare what you experienced with the TMG-50.
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  15. DatVanuMan

    A Terran ONCE AGAIN says that the VS are EZ, that they take no skill. I just knew it! You Terran will do ANYTHING to make sure the "advanced alien" faction gets ballon launchers with the velocity of a ping pong ball. I just KNEW the OP was Terran.
    ALSO, where is that accursed dislike button?
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  16. LibertyRevolution

    If VS weapons are so easy to use, then wouldn't my VS character in my sig have better stats than my other factions characters??

    Oh wait..
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  17. Unsp0kn

    I have alts on both NC and VS, I'll mess around with it when I get a chance. All I have done with VS is fly the Scythe (which is fun) and try out the Magrider in VR.
  18. MarkAntony

    meh, VS ain't OP.
  19. void666

    My vs weapons must be broken then. All of them have recoil.
  20. gigastar

    Going AFK while playing an FPS. Are you overreacting or trying to bait people?

    TR have some pretty nice guns. Maybe youre not using any of them.

    By which you mean "I think the one faction i play has too much recoil on its specific weapons." no doubt.

    Im sure thats not the case if you ever used anything thats not an SMG or a Carbine, which are all bad at range by design.

    Then maybe you should stop hoping that we would ignore you running towards us.

    Its a technique known as burst firing. I hear its all the rage theese days.

    That sentence makes no sense. Nobody compensates for the recoil of individual shotson automatic guns. Instead they keep the reticule on the thing they want dead.

    VS have exactly two automatic weapons that have less than 500rpm. Pandora and Lasher.

    I can assure you, our guns do have recoil. Whether youll take my word for it is another matter.

    Please check the distance next time. 100m isnt actually that far in this game.

    Thats because (the overwhelming majority of) NC Cobalt are terrible, and are busy devoting all thier manpower into getting owned by the Master Race.