Vanu Pistol vs the others....

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Wraithclaw, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. TheCometCE

    yeah the Vanu pistol seems to only be good at landing headshots vs unshielded enemies, which is a shame.

    Personally I've gotten into the habit of hipfiring my bolt action at close range and then swapping to the pistol to land the headshot if that connects, but I honestly shouldn't have to given the design of the class (then again, I play a VERY aggressive Vanu INF, I fire, step forward, and fire again)
  2. BigMcLargeHuge

    Well if you whale on the beamer.. And actually cap the firerate it's ok.. But man you have to be clicking fast.
  3. Trysaeder

    It's not easy to maintain 7.5 clicks per second while aiming through the terrible iron sights of the beamer, which makes DPS an unreliable way to compare pistols. Though the manti-shot fires slower, its fire rate is far more realistic to maintain, which allows better aiming.

    Both suck though, so VS is left with no decent pistols.

    Look at BF3 for an example of how pistols should look against other weapons. All the pistols in BF3 are formidable except for the G17 and starter pistols, which are semi auto, medium mag, and medium STK, most similar to the Beamer/Manti-Shot. In PS2, running into a guy with a pistol at pistol ranges is a guaranteed win over anything but the Repeater and a skilled Rebel user.
  4. MartianDiscoFish

    Well the Beamer and the Mag-shot both kill in 3 headshots,
    But the Beamer fires much faster.

    So in a skilled players hands, the Beamer is potentially better than the Mag-shot.

    The Mag-shot and the Manticore are a bit more newb friendly, whilst the Beamer and Rebel require more skill to use effectively.
  5. ThElement078

    I actually find it cute. You know, pew pew pew with no recoil? Honestly I do!
  6. PsyStorm

    Seems like if you do three shots at a time the Manticore is pretty accurate with hip fire. This is without any laser sight which I will test next since you can turn this off and still get accuracy.
  7. Seyaret

  8. Kilimarr

    heh Haven't looked at pistol data in a while. Looks like the rebel is useless now after the revolvers came out, it should be given like 2-4 more ammo, or a small damage upgrade (25-50) so it scales properly with the underboss. This would mean that NC has 3 pistols with a good difference in ammo count, dmg and fire rate without being OP.

    This being said, i love my maggie, but would prefer the rebel if it had a few more shots in it :)
  9. Van Dax

    OMG only we can use that word.
  10. Kilimarr

    Sorry, but Lady (LA80) and Maggie goes hand in hand ;)

    Consider yourself being robbed :p
  11. Van Dax

  12. Eyeklops

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  13. Halvorana

    The Beamer is only as good as the person aiming it.

    The Manticore is really good, 2 shots and a knife is usually all you need. And it is an awesome finisher.

    The Commissioner and the Underboss are cool and all, but they are more "look at me!" guns. I've won FAR more pistol shoot outs with the Manticore fighting a Com or an UB than losing.
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  14. Tnsr

    Even as a NC I have to say the VS beamer is a crap weapon.
  15. Ganjis

    I actually got a killing blow against a mosquito with my Beamer once. Proudest moment in PS2 :) I imagine the pilot is still serving time in a TR GULAG.
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  16. Fenrys

    Stats come from:

    Pistol_________________Kills per hour

    TX1 Repeater__________14.70649887
    Beamer VS3___________13.08432261
    NC4 Mag-Shot_________13.08346858

    NS-44 Commissioner____18.04238422
    Manticore SX40________18.0370076
    TX2 Emperor__________16.37568233
    NS-357 Underboss______15.663235
    LA8 Rebel_____________14.93999793

    Starter pistol stats are lower because everybody starts with them, while its only the people who stick with the game and become better players who unlock the alternate pistols.

    I was not surprised to learn that the Beamer slightly out performs the Mag Shot, or that the Repeater totally outclasses both. That's the order I'd pick them in if I were choosing favorites.
  17. MasterChaif

    This is a guy who doesn't see it as VS having a worse weapon. He sees it as a challenge of player skill to be given a weapon with a few minor bonuses and to play against your weapons weaknesses. These are the players that make the VS my favorite faction
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  18. Elack

    twice now. this thread does not want to stay dead.....

    my 2c anyway ...

    sneak up behind someone (probably a heavy) unaware pull your pistol and start shooting them in the back of the head, see if they die before they can react or if they spin around activate overshield and mess you up.

    The NC default pistol is better than the VS default but there are more options available now.
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  19. RubiksCubix

    The 250 cert VS pistol is definitely a worthwhile upgrade.
  20. Seyaret

    I don't care if you don't like thread necromancy, I'm not going to start a new thread to discuss the same topic every time I feel like talking about it.

    That said, I started using the beamer since I last posted on this thread, and I actually like it a lot. It is very underpowered, but if you know that, you can use it more effectively. For example, I feel bad for the heavy assaults that I've killed with only my beamer when they were full health. :)
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