Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RedGock, Jun 16, 2024.

  1. RedGock

    Now for over 2 weeks VANU has had massive overpop on cobalt that has rendered the game not fun to play and boring... time to cut my subscription...

    Enjoy the game whoever stays...
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  2. Grenadiac

    It is hard to dictate fixed amounts of players per faction in a sandbox game like Planetside.
    Traditionally, the more players 1 faction has, the other 2 factions are justified in targeting. It has always been that way, and a 40% over-pop will always lose to the other 60% of players.
    Factions with capable squad and platoon leads can identify and react to population imbalances like that, and it works.
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