So i just finished my auraxium for the SVA-88 and now i am on to the Flare. My question is, what is better soft point ammo or High velocity ammo for the Flare. my current setup is 2X reflex Compensator Foregrip.
I'm a newb, but I believe SPA is for close range encounters and expands damage around 10-15m. HVA is for long range engagements and it increases recoil.
yep as CJ2DaRescue2 says: Soft ammo: more dmg close up, but slower bullet velocity Hard ammo: higher bullet velocity and slower dmg drop off, but more vertical recoil. What to use? Depends on your playing style. If you perfer short range combat then SPA is the way to go, on the other hand if you are running with the flare for longer range combat, then HVA is the way to go. Personally i dont use ammo types when i use my flare.
Always SPA. If a weapon has access to it, it is always worth using. Then again the Flare is the exception to the rule for me. I don't use ammo types on it. HVA isn't worth it and SPA seems silly because I don't use the Flare in ranges where it helps.
The Flare's "classic setup" has always been comp+foregrip, because it tames the recoil. 2x reflex is a good all-rounder, although I would sometimes use 3.4x red dot for medium-long shooting. The real beauty - and the detraction - of the flare is that it is the "all-rounder", doing everything well but sucking at doing anything excellent. With regard to ammo, it's a question of how close are you going to get. If you're in a tight fight (tower, biolab) then SPA is the way to go; you'll find more often than not you'll survive 1vs1 close firefights.
Soft point over HVA. HVA increases your vertical recoil which might actually lower your effectiveness at range. Soft point has no downsides in close quarters and the velocity drop isn't really so bad with a gun like the Flare.
Most ppl i know dont use any ammo with it, it find that good aswell on weps liek ursa, where hva ammo adds to much recoil for long range fights, i really dont understand why hva adds more recoil it make no sense
High Velocity IRL would require a greater grain count in the cartridge, giving the gun more kick per bullet.