Vanu are underpowered

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by McGubble, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. McGubble

    You heard me the vanu in "vanu side 2" are underpowered. Mabye this is just a number game on my server Watterson where we're usually the least populated. Mabye it's because both the NC and TR love ganging up on us. Lots of people say our weapons are overpowered, but they aren't compared to other factions guns. Look at the TR guns they have 40 bullets in a mag. 10 bullets really makes a difference. They keep shooting and never reload. Now for enemy MAXes. Our MAX default is horrible a cannon that barely puts a dent in anything and a slow firing weapon that's very innaccurate. Now this horrible MAX vs the TR MAX with mini guns on both hands. The TR win. I Believe NC has shotguns on each? Unbalanced. The vanu are always loosing even though Im working togethere with an outfit using teamwork to win the objective. Even though I do that we get outgunned
  2. pucwyczes

    That is point of view from one server and one player, you do it wrong.
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  3. LordMondando

    -Best ability to put down effective fire at the ranges most battles occur in in non-cqc contexts, none the less generally good there too.
    -Despite currently being broken, most versatile MBT
    -ESF with best turning arc.

    Yes your maxes are mostly bad. I think VS as a whole need to experiment with them I big more, I know of one context where sued on mass they are devastatingly effective, but you rarely see people twigging to it, despite the fact on esamir especially it can happen quite a bit.

    I think the problem simply is, perception of a nerf has driven the 4th fractions away, and people who play vanu for the aesthetic(spandex wearing cultists, yay...) are now just old fashioned outnumbered in a lot of situations.
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  4. kukuman

    yeah , lot of specific weapons in vanu empire dont match other empire ones ..

    artemis for example
    quasar ...
    nc6 vs sva 88
    and more :)

    esf wit hbest turning arc ... like if it was usefull
  5. zigunderslash

    Maybe if the TR guns fired faster, but did less damage with each bullet. That way, the extra bullets would be fair.
  6. Torok

    I haven‘t played as much vanu to speak objectively enough, yet i didn't love the magrider for the fact it's powerless against air, with my main cannon on the vanguard i obliterate enemy ESF's & liberators, while i can't even see them in the magrider, i like the scythe for it's turning and hovering abilities, again as Nc good scythe pilots are the most dangerous since they strike me from top of my head, are their pods Up? I don't know, as for the infantry i loved them, DAT RELOAD SPEED! as a light assault abuser i can't wait to play more of VS once my Nc character is 100,

    Nc forever, but i love the Vs Battle rank titles and their weapons :)
    I'm a zealout inside!
  7. LordMondando

    It should be, in actual fighting stuffs in the air, thats by far the most important attribute of an fighter/interceptor. Should allow you to get behind your opponent better than he can get behind you and (occasionally) out turn missiles.

    things which hopefully will make it in game.
  8. Sledgecrushr

    You need to do more to attract new players to your side.
  9. BatouSection9

    Vanu Faction = Hard mode.

    Small VS army vs' NC & TR Empire of +100 Billion.

    Cant say we don't have the balls to go against the odds.
  10. Xasapis

    The differences between each empire are not huge. There is a measure of perception coming into play, especially in big battles where hit box detection and lag can influence an outcome. For infantry, beyond the starter weapons, one can find on each empire something specific that suit him.

    VS are indeed more challenging than the rest, but that's more due to population than anything else. In a perfectly balanced population an empire will fight a 1 vs 2 odds. VS are lucky if they get a 1 vs 3 odds and if they are not concentrated in a specific continent, 1 vs 4 or 5 is not unheard of. Generally speaking, whoever wants to challenge himself rolls VS today.
  11. Vanuub

    Hard to do when noone likes to join the least numerous side.
    Or the side with the ugliest camolooks.
    Or the "here i am" weapons at night.
    Or the undisputeably weakest tank.

    After the mountaingoating nerf, enforcer buff, heat and av projectile speed buffs, less vulcan spread and prowler HEAT buff, it has no selling points, short of its scifi looks. It does go uphill with less slowdown (on the remaining hills it can climb), but it does not climb more hills/rigdes/bumps/slopes/whatever than the others do.
    It excelled on esamir, where there it could make good use of it climbing ability on the slopes and small hills that would seriously impair the other tanks, to get the advantageus shot or element of surprise or climb over to escape. On Amerish and Indar the terrain does not lend itself to that kind of play - resulting in a lot of Saron sniper games, which the Enforcer does about as well now, not to forget the AV prowler. In any case there is no reason to take any pity of those who used their tanks as stationary turrets and complained about saron hitting them for it.
    I am not advocating a return of the seriously abused magboost climbs, but damn, it has nothing on the other tanks anymore, they are much better 1v1, better in the open and better in confined spaces (which is much like 1v1). Hills, or at least terrain that was too steep for the others while still in its range, were its friend, but not anymore.

    If anything, swap then magrider and vanguard specials.
    Nitrous boost to the vanguard, giving it a lot more accelleration, speed and braking power for a few seconds.
    Forcefield on the magrider, lord knows it could use it.
    Upside, gone will be one number one reason for some of the insane OP climbs it was blamed for.
  12. Compass

    I must have missed this patch.
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  13. kukuman

    you are wrong , turning rate is left right (Q and D) , it only serve for reverse manouver control and some moves on a liberator.
    to get behind another esf , you need to at least pitch / roll wich isnt the best of scythe
  14. Oreo202

    Our MAXes are the same as TR's by default, terrible. They do not get dual miniguns by default. The mag size difference is relatively made up for in reload speed, but the TR weapons also have a bit more random recoil.

    Vanu is underpopulated and always will be. People don't like purple or being fabulous for some reason.
  15. LordMondando

    Important in dogfighting.
  16. Vanuub

    I shall try to dig it up, but I am certain there was a post to that effect.
    Roughly I recall that the message was: less damage up close and better at long range.

    I may have just interpreted that as meaning a bit less dps coupled with less spread (to obtain the 2 effects above).
  17. Compass

    That was reduced damage by 20%, increased range before damage drop-off. Still has a COF of a Liberator-sized target at 200m if you don't fire in semi.
  18. Vanuub

    Found it, seems I did not recall correctly. Somehow the thought if being compensated with better (effective) DPS at range snuck into my head after trying to decode that. To me 'minimum damage' occurs at long(est) range, due to two factors. Spread and rangebased damagedrop. I must have assumed that they changed spread instead of damagedrop.
    • G30 Vulcan
      • Increased minimum damage.
      • Decreased maximum (close range) damage (It still maintains the best TTK at close range by a large margin).
  19. CrashB111

    Vanu Under-Powered?
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  20. XRIST0

    Vanu are not underpowered , sorry .