[Suggestion] Valkyrie: pilot-controlled video rocket fire system like the Phoenix- System

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by finali, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. finali

    Valkyrie: pilot-controlled video rocket fire system like the Phoenix- Rocket Launcher System.

    Example: The UD-6 Talon from BF 2142
  2. Xellon

    That sounds somewhat cool, but who pilots the Valkyrie while you pilot the missile? Being a sitting duck in such a fire-attracting and kinda fragile vehicle will most certainly end in your death.
    Instead, I'd like to see afterburners in my Valk. Would at least make it possible to haul your *** out of some ****. Righ now, you have to leave right after people notice you, since you won't be fast enough to get to cover before the damage gets to severe.
    I mean, even the Lib as AB and those Guys can deal and absorb five times the damage!
  3. finali

    my fault, the pilot filght the valkyrie and the co-pilot launch the video rocket.

    Example: Start the video at 1:51
  4. Liewec123

    turns you in to a delicious hovering cert pinnata :D
  5. Kcalehc

    Not an appalling idea. Perhaps you could have a Striker and Lancer ES variant too.

    I'm totally down with afterburners being an option, be really nice to have that sometimes.
    I'd also like to see a 'MAX passenger compartment' option, where it closes up the sides of the Valk, replaces the 4 infantry rumble seats with 2 MAX bays (note they are not rumble seats, so the MAX's cannot shoot out).
    And the Phantom cloak, perhaps only activateable while landed (hey, we're getting cloaked sunderers, why not!)