[Vehicle] Valkyrie CAS 14 E Thermal

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OstLaberFriese, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. OstLaberFriese

    Hi guys

    The CAS 14E is the AI gun on the valkyrie. Beside its bad COF and low damage is there a reason why the thermal range on this weapon is only 50m?
    When u look through the thermal everything is dark blue as we now, but the targets only highlight when u get close....really close.

    A little bit more love for the valkyrie weapons pls!
  2. SerasVic

    Bad post.


    because Thermal is like that on every Valk weapons, then it needs a global buff not only on CAS 14
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  3. OstLaberFriese

    Ok, havent tested thermal on the other weapons.
    Then Im def up for a thermal buff on every valk weapons ofc :)
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  4. FactionTraitsFTW

    How to write a constructive and respectful post tutorial
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