Utility Pouch missleading information?

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by SokarGoldberg, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. SokarGoldberg

    1: "Allows C-4 explosives to be carried in the Utility Pouch, increasing the overall carrying capacity by one."
    2: "Allows Tank Mines to be carried in the Utility Pouch, increasing the overall carring capacity by one."
    3: "Allows an additional C-4 Explosive to be carried in the Utility Pouch, increasing the overall carrying capacity."
    4: "Allows an additional Tank Mine to be carried in the Utility Pouch, increasing the overall carrying capacity."
    5: "Allows Bouncing Betty Mines to be carried in the Utility Pouch, increasing the overall carrying capacity by one."

    The carrying ability is not connected. Since the skilling price is "that" high i thought that this results in the many mines you can carry afterwards.. But NOW that i skilled the first Utility Pouch it is kind of disappointing that I can't carry the C4 + my normal Tank Mines.

    I have skilled 1x C4 and 2x TankMines. I guessed that i now can carry 2xC4 and 2x TankMines.

    The only advantage that the Utility Pouch provides is the cheap second C4 if you Skill C4 and the Pouch. That is the only really advantage that this skill provides. After that it gets useless in my opinion.

    You can eighter carry 4 x C4 which will cost you 1400 CP OR
    you can carry 5x Tank Mines if you pay 2400 CP
    or.. what i really don't get.. why would you pay another 1000 CP for only a third Bouncing Betty?
    Which will need 3350 in total.

    If you fully skill this you can provide many different loadouts with 4x C4 or 5x TankMines or 3x Bouncing Betty. But to provide that you have to invest 3100 CP and you can't equip a real suit like Nanoweave armor and therefore it's like you lose 25% extra health for eighter 2x C4 or 2x Tank Mines or 1 Bouncing Betty.

    The decription tells that you can carry those Explosives in the UtilityPouch which is like your suit slot. Not your normal utility slot. Why else would you abstain 25% health if you don't get another type of mines instead.

    As far as I'm concerned. The Utility Pouch has only one useful advantage for your C4 layout if you skill the first Utility Pouch and therefore can carry 3 x C4. All the other options for the Utility Pouch are kind of wasted CP.
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  2. Stormlight666

    Utility Pouch should be +1 explosive per level of pouch.

    Just like Munitions Pouch for HA should give out +2 or 3 rockets per level instead of only +1.
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  3. Fed

    Yeah, this one has always been useless. As you point out, the cert investment is crazy to get to the AT mines or AP mines (which are what everyone uses with Engy). Another crazy expensive cert tree is Liberator Afterburner.
  4. isilyan

    +1 at that cert cost.....
  5. Kedric

    I absolutely agree that utility pouch should enable you to carry 2 or more explosive types at the same time, in addition to increasing the carry capacity of those explosives. However, you should not overlook the benefit of carrying extra C4 or tank mines. In particular, hitting 4 tank mine carrying capacity is a sweet spot where you can carry 2 sets of 2 mines, which is enough to kill 2 MBTs or 2 Sunderers without mine guard. Now you can cover 2 different paths instead of just 1.

    Likewise, the 3rd prox mine is incredibly valuable, but I'm not sure that it's worth 3k+ certs to get unless as you suggested we could carry more than 1 type of explosive at a time.
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  6. Stormlight666

    I miss PS1 where it allowed you to place x amount of mines, y amount of turrets, z amount of blockades, etc. AND kept track of what you had out.
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  7. Advanced Darkness

    Yeah that was real engineering. I guess junk is made all easy mode for the newer generation of gamer who wouldnt know how to choose their own cert setups like in the original game. Cloaker / combat engineer / adv hacker, guess something like that would be too hard and need to be nerfed or something.
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  8. Adamar09

    "Utility Pouch is useless"
    "I want minefields"

    What the hell, people? The only regret I have with dumping a load of certs into this is the early AT (which might have been fixed?) Being able to mix and match would be pretty cool, though...

    Obviously the pouch is situational - I have it to the second to last level and still wear max level flak most of the time. The use comes in setting traps, minefields, and destroying mineguard sunderers.

    2 engineers with high level pouches can set up 5 places along the road, under towers, etc, before the enemy zerg rolls in. It's not huge, but you're definitely blowing pieces out of the tankzerg with only a small amount of foresight.

    Getting down a load of C4 (3!) is pretty arduous when under fire, but you can strap it to a flash. It's even possible to strap onto a wraith and detonate it with your Fury.
  9. Frosty The Pyro

    cert price is a non factor in how good something should be. Game balance is the only factor, for which you always pretend that everyone has unlimited certs, because eventualy they will.

    You can argue something should be better, and you can argue something should cost lest certs, but those arguments are NOT conected at all.

    So what you need to ask yourself, is are two extra mines worth giving up nanoweave armor (125 health), or flak, or what other the other options are.

    Also the amount of mines you can have out in the world is equal to the amount you can carry. So utility pouch lets you plant 5 mines, and then you can go and switch to AP mines and plant your limit of those (3 IIRC), and then go switch to C4 and plant your limit of those (4) leting you have 12 explosives out at the same time instead of 7. That is FAR more explosives than anyone else can put out. Though C4 was recently nerfed to despawn when you die, so the C4 part is less usefull. Though before then you could plant 5 tank mines in totaly different places and put a c4 on top of 4 of em, and one tank mine +1 c4 is enouph to kill any ground vehicle.
  10. MaxDamage

    This cert branch is a trap.
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  11. o.Solei.o

    You can still place the set amounts of each of those items. While I would like a (possibly time-lagged) indicator of what I have live in the field, I really don't see how PS1's deply system has anything useful on PS2. Sure, you could deploy 20-30 mines at a time... and it took most of those to get a single tank-kill. So instead of spending 15 min setting up a minefield for 1 maybe 2 kills, I drop 2-3 in a good chokepoint and get the exact same effect.

    I was a die hard CE deployer in PS1, and trust me, PS2's system is a lot more user friendly.

    EDIT: I have 2 tiers in this as an experiment. Plan on getting all 5 when recertification tokens go live. It's a massive point sink, but the AT/AP parts are worth it. No so sure about the C-4, it's still rather "meh". When AT mines stop being useful for taking out deployed sundies, I play on using my LA's C-4 to do the trick. I suppose in the long run if it starts requiring more than 2 C-4 I may switch to engi ***** quads.
  12. Stormlight666

    I think it's because they couldn't recreate the PS1 programming since they couldn't be bothered to bring of the PS1 vets back instead catering to the CoD programming crowd.
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  13. Stormlight666

    I just think it should be redone so the pouch can carry x amount of any explosive depending on level of pouch. Lvl 3 = 4 C4, 4 Mines, etc.
  14. Xasapis

    The 3rd AP mine is more useful than the 5th AV one, that's for sure. AP mines make covering points as an engineer a lot easier.
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  15. Advanced Darkness

    I wish i could thumbs up your post more.
  16. o.Solei.o

    Actually, the problem is two-fold. One point is that unlike PS1, they want this to make lots of money from F2P, so they have to go where the dollars are.

    The second would be evident to anyone that played PS1 as infantry for very long: The "1 kit to rule them all" problem. There was one kit combination for winning forever in infantry engagements. One. ReXo with med-gun on one hip, glue-gun on the other, ES assault rifle on one shoulder, ES HA gun on the other, a deci in your inventory, and a very thin smattering of ammo. Implants were shield, second wind, and a personal preference. (Usually wound up being darklight or audio-amp, though occasionally people took something else.)

    This kind of obviated any actual specialization and allowed lone-wolf kill-****** to gain significant advantage over players that specialized for the sake of good team-play.
  17. Shiaari

    Short answer: No. You should only be able to carry one type of deployable at a time minus your ACE tool. I have no problem with the way Utility Pouch works, and understood perfectly well what it did and how it worked from description given.

    Utility Pouch is just fine. It does not need a change. Carrying additional explosives is and should be EXPENSIVE.
  18. Cymoril

    I feel you should pick what your "optional" upgrade should be. I dont use C4, or tank Mines. Yet I have to skill thru all the BS to get to what I would like to use, not much of a "utility" to me. It should be renamed something else.
    then you pick and buy as you go thru the list of what "your" priorities are as a player and not be punished if you enjoy AP mines to have to cert all the way to the end for the last one.
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  19. Stormlight666

    It's true. Look at the sheer LACK of water in the game so far. I didn't play VS a lot in PS1 but watching them (and the Thrashers) go across the water ways added a LOT to the tactic decisions of the game.

    Or taking a MAX crash across a body of water on autorun knowing you'll BARELY make it to the other side before you ran out of oxygen so you could ambush a bridge defense.

    It was the abundance of choices for your character which made an abundance of possible tactics you could use in a battle that helped make the game. You could have a platoon of players and it would be rare to have 2 that were exactly the same. Your HA which acted as a door hackers, Combat Engineers, an infiltrator that was your battlefield medic. Tons of possibilities.
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  20. Stormlight666

    True but you had to go into your inventory to pull out that decimator. That and the fact you could loot bodies meant you could actually be out in the field a lot longer. Think my record with an TR AA Burster Max out in the world was living over 2.5 hours, scavenging ammo and keeping a platoon of VS busy trying to get me. Good times.