Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NMdamien, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. Poppington

    Of all the weapon classes to complain about this with, you pick sniper rifles? Except for the ES snipers, they are already all carbon copies of each other with stat movement within their sniper type (BASR, Semi-Auto) - why would you expect anything different?

    Literally every other weapon class is worth discussing moreso than this one, and has more room for deviation and innovation.

    Not to mention, if you're operating outside the ranges that the shortest range bolt-actions (TSAR-42, SAS-R, VX-9?) work in, you're likely being less useful as a sniper than you could be. Very long range sniping is very, very, very rarely useful in this game.
  2. Donaldson Jones

    If they made it a straight up Parallax with heat mechanic it would be worth it for VS. For NC maybe they could do a RJ with no delay and for TR a hip fire perfect single shot every 3 to 4 seconds or something.
  3. zaspacer

    You are clearly forgetting the balance history of the PS2 Dev Team. They struggle very hard to make sidegrades or "balance" things to be on par. And they also typically take a very, very long time to implement balance revisions. You can see this both in the massive numbers of single dominant choices within each Loadout category, as well as how the OP stuff is typically only fixed by massive nerfs that make it subpar. So your asking them to design tons of Directive Weapons that each are sidegrades just is unrealistic to work out and asking for trouble. Even with the Directive Weapons apparently meant to downgrade trophies, they still managed to make the VS LMG an upgrade.
  4. Savadrin

    Getting the old Water Sprinkler of Nem-Ankh or however it was spelled was not only prestige, but it was insanely useful. Doesn't exactly translate that well here.

    You can say, "Well, if you've got that many kills on every other weapon, you've earned an upgrade."

    Or, you could say, "Well, since you've gotten so many kills already on every other weapon, let's see if you can still do it as well with a shiny **** version of one of them, and everyone will still know you put the work in to do it."

    If you play predominantly one class for any period of time, how long can it realistically take to aurax everything? I don't think it's that long, but lobby shooters are so unfamiliar with progression that it hurts.
  5. Eternaloptimist

    Infinite ammo..........

    I think there is also a VS carbine with heat mechanic.