Since the Commisioners UNEEDED NERF, the gun is no longer viable in a loadout made for hectic fights ( pretty much all of them) so I just wanted to tell people that the underboss is actually decent in your heavy Assualt and CQB loadout especially. If you can headshot its a straight upgrade to the commie even before the nerf, you just have to get used to the rapid fire rate
The Underboss is worse in most of the ways which matter. The higher RoF is unnoticeable in combat and the lower damage is more susceptible to nanoweave leading to 4-shot kill, while dealing less damage over range. For headshots, the Rebel for NC or Cerberus for VS can do the 2-HS-kill faster and easier with more bullets to spare. Underbody ain't great.
I'm guessing this would have been the nerf 2 or 3 years ago where we used to be able to just Shoot-Knife every class but they made it so that only 900hp infiltrators could still be killed in 2 quick attacks
First of all Cerberus and rebel are the worst pistols I’ve ever seen in this game Secondly Underbosses fire rate is soo much more noticeable I couldn’t believe it, if you can aim its awesome
You take that back! But against nanoweave it's just worse than a Commissioner. And if the user has great aim there are many other pistols and sidearms which are better in other ways as well. (Such as 15 meter double-tap kills with a Rebel.)
underboss fits my playstyle way more than commi, but i still run with commi because underboss just looks so...
I've been using it for ages, I became very snobish about the comissioner because everyone and their grandma was using it. Especially as, mysteriously, I seemed to be the only player on the entire server unable to align 3 head shots in a row, boom boom .... boom. In my experience it's generally less effective, particularly at range, but the rate of fire is faster, which for someone like me (who doesn't have godlike aiming) means it's more forgiving. I never checked any of the stats but it feels like the higher rate of fire makes up for lower damage (more or less) I'd probably go back to the commissioner to be honest, if EVERYONE would stop using it (including as a main weapon ffs).
"Unneeded nerf" Excuse me, sir. But what exactly are you smoking and could I have some? Because that stuff seems to be of the most highest of qualities. The devs didn't go far enough with the Commissioner nerf. At the very least, I think the devs nerfed the Noobtube in the wrong way. Rather then an equip delay, it should be the sidearm equivalent of a semi-auto sniper. It should have absolutely impossible to use hipfire accuracy and a substancial movement penalty when ADS. Granted, the Blackhand is now more in line with that concept, but considering the anecdotal evidence of getting shot at, I forget that gun exists. I can safely suggest that this crutchgun is in desperate need of a critical reimagining, not just a nerf.
To hell with NS sidearms, give me another mag-scatter so I can activate gunslinger 5 and shuffle between them for increased firerate and extra swaggery
It’s a pistol that takes skill to use, 6 bullets which means you need to have good aim, this pullout time is too long