[Suggestion] Use cont locks to force confrontation

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DemoEvolved, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. DemoEvolved

    What is lame is late at night when each faction is just farming their own mostly owned continent of the few noobs who don't know any better than to stay with their faction's zerg.

    So here is the suggestion.

    • When a cont lock is achieved, a wave sweeps out from the locking faction's warpgate. We are talking like a nuclear shockwave. Enemies are given a warning.
    • The wave kills any enemy faction players and vehicles on contact. Allies are not affected.
    • The warpgate bubble protects players inside of it. Good luck making it.

    • After the wave passes, there is "faction radioactivity" which persists. So if TR cont locked, then VS and NC leaving their warpgate would take radioactive damage constantly. Essentially this is a complete continent lock.

    • Faction Radioactivity lasts for (18) hours OR until another continent gets locked. (Duration subject to tuning)

    • Once it expires, there are no residual pain effects for enemy factions. Go nuts.

    Expected Results:
    • When no continents are locked, there is a HIGH value for locking a continent.
    • After one continent is locked, the enemy factions will essentially be shoved to the other continents, but ALSO, the winning faction's zerg will ALSO leave because there will be no xp to earn.This will drive up confrontation on the other maps and condense players during low pop times.
    • If there is a locked continent, it is Harder to lock another continent, however the value for doing so is also higher. (unlock the other continent as well as locking the current one).
    • While the faction with a lock may not want to lock a new continent, maybe they will want to just to reset the timer or get a different benefit.
    • It will feel meaningful to lock a continent - we did it, now move on
    • And finally, players will be driven to play on different continents each day instead of repeating the crown grind every day.
  2. DemoEvolved

    bump for great justice