Urgent and time sensitive Alpha Squad request.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Havoc11, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Noollab

    Definitely relevant to my interests.
    I'd be happy with this:
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  2. NateDawg

  3. Shakr

    Any positive news, please?
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  4. Spartan 117

    Can we please get an update on this issue?
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  5. Atreides

    I asked some of the SOE people on Twitter, still waiting to hear a response.

    Twitter seems to be a good way to get in touch with people.
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  6. Niric

    I actually did the same thing around an hour ago. I would recommend everyone else that finds this topic do the same. @j_smedley @mhigby @planetside2

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  7. NateDawg

    If you guys hear something via twitter, please let us know here :)
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  8. Niric

    Will do!

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  9. Jac70

    The new hotfix added some text to the splash screen

    Hot Tip
    Membership Benefits and Boosts Now Stack

    I'm not sure the Alpha Squad boost is classed as a membership benefit but AFAIK the membership benefits and boosts already stacked.
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  10. Tobax

    Can you PLEASE (begging) poke someone about this for the good of SOE? I'm ready to buy a boost now for this double exp weekend giving SOE my money and they are seriously not sorting it and saying no they don't want my money?
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  11. Con411

    Not to be rude but wtf. This double xp weekend is about to kick off. 1000's of players are sitting there with money jumping in their pocket to spend on a 7 day xp booster and there is no fix. Forget about the fix, there isn't even an update on this.

    Does SOE want to make money or not ?
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  12. GrimReap3R

    I don`t want to be the one which blows up a bubble full of illusions, but stay realisitic, the alpha squad boost was bugged since day one, finally SOE didn`t brought up any solution since the 20th of Nov, for us braindead early supporter of PS2, so they won`t do now, because most of us are silly enough to buy a 7 day booster anyway, it`s product placement and a genius cashmachine they created with PS2. So please dump all your hopes and dreams about, you could be able to change the road SOE walks onto, by contacting anyone of SOE staff over twitter. (standup comedy alarm)

    Face the thruth, SOE will do nothing about us Alpha Squad owners, because as a famous music title says "Money talks"
    for all who doubt me and my thoughts..
  13. Gary

    Would be great to know some information on this. Currently sat without my alpha squad even counting down because it has not even been equipped :p
  14. Kozmyk

    Just tweeted this to Smed:
  15. Fallenafar-US-

    Yes this indeed needs to be addressed, Silence from the producers is not good, who ever has the say pull the finger out and address this publically please :)
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  16. Fuse

    Quote from user sinii on redditside:
    Sounds like we're getting the love we paid for. haha

    Still, I'm a bit nervous to try this without any official word.
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  17. Alexandurrr


  18. Gary

    Funny. In my ticket i was warned if i replace the boost again it will not be granted back. But i was assured it would be running in the background the first time i inquired about it. Which turned out to be wrong.

    "I'd like to let you know that your experience boost will stack with your Alpha Squad boost even though it may not appear that way in-game.
    The 7-Day boost will appear as the main boost on your character even though the Alpha Squad one will be running in the background. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused you in the meantime and should you have any future questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us again. Thank you for playing Planetside 2!

    Operative - XXXXXXX"

    Figured i cant post the guys name so i replaced it with X's.
  19. Fuse

    Sorry, but you've only confused me more. Are you saying the quoted reply was a response to one ticket, then you did it and it deleted your Alpha Squad boost, so you submitted another ticket and they warned you not to do it again?
  20. Vanon

    this is insane, they really need to make it equipable