Urban continent for PlanetSide 2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dngray, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. dngray

    Is there any room for a urban map in this game? I am talking about a sprawling cityscape embroiled in war. Lots of tight corridors/choke points, lots of places for snipers to hide, and lots of pathways to attack (no more one road to the next base type deal).
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  2. AxiomInsanity87

    I would love that. It might fit into conquest nicely as well as death actually matters in conquest.
  3. toast2250

    Indar themed as a open urban map yes. Otherwise people wouldn't play on it.

    Walls and corridors are horrible in this game, yet the developers ignorantly put them in on Esamir just to solve the base tank shelling. Most ingenious and innovative.

    At least the walls on amerish are set on a angle and blend in more.
  4. Iridar51

    Urban continent was in the works some time ago, I'm not sure what's the current status of that project. Maybe they'll eventually get to finishing it.
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  5. Nregroepis

    I remember this picture a long time ago about an urban continent for PS2:

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  6. thebigbortishbort

    i would really love a cityscape to fight in , lots of places to hide and many possible strategies.
    i wonder what ps2 would be like if they had skyscrapers in it .
  7. Snoipeh96

    yeah urban combat sounds awesome. maybe have it as one giant "capital city" of Auraxis where instead of capturing facilities, your faction takes control of different blocks of the city. there would also be an opportunity to introduce bases that fit in with a certain faction and its lore, such as a TR government/parliament building , a cathedral devoted to vanu (I am thinking like the church of the marker from the dead space series) and some sort of stock exchange building for the NC. that would be a mildly cool way of tying some of the lore into the game (as it is lacking in-game lore).
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  8. nukularZ

    That was fan made.

    But it looks like something that would be so fun to play on. As long as they are buildings you can access with maybe even a few floors of rooms each. I'd rather plenty of access to interior fighting as opposed to forced out in the open where the sky heroes would be so pro swooping down, firing, and then flying low to avoid taking fire.

    And, there are little technical limitations to having such a continent, before anyone brings that up as to why we can't have one. It would be no more demanding on the GPU than Hossin. And this game isn't really all that GPU heavy to begin with.

    I think such a continent would be an instant hit, with the death of Indarside as well. Get some 6-lane highways and wider streets, open plazas and fields for the tanks as well.
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  9. BrbImAFK

    I'd love to see something like this..... after they get done fixing core gameplay, meta, redeployside, logistics etc. Until they've done those things, Planetside 2 is going to continue slowly dying off.
  10. AxiomInsanity87

    A big X that says "bomb here for sniper multi kill" at the top of it lol.
  11. Pfundi

    See ya on the rooftops *jumpjets away*
    Yeah, would be really cool! With a parc and a mall n stuff
  12. cobaltlightning

    The closes thing we have to mostly Urban Enviroment is Hossin, actually.

    It has a thick canopy overhead making aircraft hard to bombard from above, and few open areas for anything bigger than a flash to drive around in, leaving most combat you're gonna be doing is infantry focused, usually.
  13. belthazor3457

    If the urban map includes larger buildings and streets and such so it's not overly-building-indulgent but still urban that might be a good addition to the game as a more fresh and diverse continent, though I imagine it would not be a priority due to the difficulties in balancing it around the use of tanks / aircraft where infantry have substantially more ability to take cover or attack them, a-la-hossin - it might make it a challenge to make the continent not wind up with the name "hossin2.0" or grey hossin". Then there's the issue of development of a map v development of something else / different map that might offer more utility, etc.
  14. Pikachu

    An urban environment would probably require as shorr render distance as Hossin which would require lots of fog to hide as on Hossin. Your urban continent ne t woukd be a smog town. :D
  15. Mianera

    Infantryside 2?

    I approve! Yes please! Would be frikken amazing! (not being sarcastic, I truly mean it)
  16. ChUnKiFieR

    Two giant thumbs up from me. I love the idea!
  17. dngray

    Great feedback everyone! The last thing I want is another continent that iffers the same old gameplay. Hossin was a step in the right direction and despite people having polarizing views on Hossin, I love it and it has become my favorite continent.
  18. Pikachu

    The stuff SOE was experimenting with. In the PTS files.
  19. eldarfalcongravtank

    yes there was an urban continent/battle island in the works. this is actually the dev progress on it:

    note that the vid is over half a year old, so this project might (hopefully) just be paused or actually be (most likely) discontinued and scrapped
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  20. Vargs

    If I could add any one piece of content to this game, an urban continent would be it. But I'm not really counting on something so major being added to PS2 ever again, especially when they partially finished Hossin, put it out, and the playerbase quickly proceeded to abandon the continent to fight at Quartz Ridge/TI Alloys/NS Offices/Crossroads Tower on Indar forever instead.
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