First off, I might be doing a SLI. I have Though it is out of stock. So I though is it possible to di SLI with the one below? ? Also planning on getting better CPU. Planning on the one below. Is that good? Is there anything better for less investment? Like a top of the line Core I5 for half price and 90% performance of an I7? Also, should I just get a that below? And is SLI a good idea? How easy is it to set up? Is it even worth it? My Goal is High Settings 60 fps Recording with fraps. - Not too high Resolution 1600x900? Please be nice I really not in the mood for anything derogatory or hurtful. Thank you. EDIT: This forum is not a good place for these questions, but i'll give you the above and this. I7 is a waste of money over i5 if the upgrade is just for planetside2. Secondly, when posting these threads, and this goes for EVERYBODY, post your current system in its entire specification, and if it was a self-build or pre-built, and if a laptop then please say so.