Upcoming Tank and Liberator Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kevmo, Jun 6, 2014.

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  1. Scr1nRusher

    is the liberators primary role a A2G gunship?

    the lib changes are reasonable, and gameplay wise they do actually work out well.

    Its crazy that people are freaking out about this.
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  2. Scr1nRusher

    what SOE should do is completely remove HE rounds.

    That would fix the problem completely....

    But no.... that would be to complex and hard.
  3. Ouch Electric

    Please consider a few points:

    This makes the vanguard the premier tank, since it's the only one with the useful ability. Cert refunds are in order.

    Liberators will now be almost completely defenseless against air. It's probably good to give infantry and tanks a way to skill kill them, but that's too many nerfs all at once. A cert refund is in order.

    Rocket Pods:
    This is a push-pull nerf. Tanks can maneuver better and faster so rocket pods are already reduced in effectiveness. What is this like the 10th nerf of rocket pods? Cert refund this too.

    Air Hammer:
    The air hammer under performs against infantry because it's a bit better against vehicles. Bringing it into line against vehicles makes it inferior. Cert refund again.
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  4. PKfire

    When you see tankers protesting Liberator nerfs...
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  5. ColonelChingles

    Actually, yes. They Skyguard should kill ESFs and Liberators, because it is not good at killing anything else. It has one job, whereas the Liberator can engage essentially all targets.

    It's been stated by Liberator pilots that the counter to a Liberator is... another Liberator. Something is probably wrong when that's the case.
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  6. Stylphede

    I'm proud to count myself among the players who really just don't care. Fairness? Balance? Nerfs? Buffs? Can't be bothered - I just like to see the game's dynamics change from time to time. My favorite gun/vehicle/whatever getting hampered gives me reason to try something new, and stuff my enemy uses getting buffed means adapting to counter it. Change is good, otherwise everyone would complain of stagnation.
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  7. ScrapyardBob

    Why? Because this is a game and there are technical limitations to draw distance and how big you can make the world. That's why aircraft only go 200-300 kph and not MACH 1.5 or something. Maybe in another 10 years when we all have 200Mbps connections at home, 32 cores of power under the hood, they'll be able to do a continent that is 100km x 100km, not a tiny 8 km x 8 km continent. Of course, you'd need to figure out how to cram 5000 players per side onto that continent or it would feel a bit lonely.

    When considering ranges, you really need to think World War I distances and speeds, not WW2 or WW3 or WW4. The map and technical limitations just don't allow for it.
  8. Macho

    Common now guys. The Lib needed toning down... not castrating.

    Yes, the resistance and auto-stealth needed serious changes.

    I think the Shredder needed a bit of finding a better niche between Dalton and Zephyr but others disagree.

    Here are somethings I don't understand:
    1.) Why are you using the vector and new nose guns as the barometer for the TB? The high TB usage rates is because the other two guns are terrible. Why not figure out what you can do to make the other two viable? Without the TB, taking out armor is gonna be impossible in larger fights. You're gonna force the Libs to hang over their targets even longer... after nerfing their belly guns and resistance.

    2.) Reduced projectile speed? What? Why? It's hard enough to hit targets from distance with dalton or zephyr. Now you've increased tank acceleration and speed plus reduced ability for gunners to hit their targets.

    Just out of curiosity, what is the question you are trying to answer with this nerf? Yes, Libs needed some changes, but the real question is why they are considered OP.

    The real answer is that the counters aren't quite doing enough damage to penalize them... not that their weapon systems are too effective. And just for clarification, the TB wouldn't seem nearly as bad if the Lib would be more vulnerable in close runs (in other words, it seems OP because how easily Libs survive TB runs)

    Change the resist, change the detectability.... but also augment the counters. Look at AA, look at infantry solutions to be more effective... People have given some pretty damn good suggestions concerning each.

    As a lib pilot that is probably pushing 1000+ hours only piloting, I love my lib and don't want it to be OP. As many other dedicated pilots believe, the buffs were too much... and we've said as much. Why not actually listen to what is on the forums about finding the right balance for the Lib?

    TL;DR The weapon systems aren't the problem with the Lib. It lacks proper counters. Some nerfs are needed, but not the weapons.

    EDIT: The Zephyr as second anti-Armor weapon... seriously??????.... is that the actual design theory behind that?
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  9. Frosty The Pyro

    stabilization is a buff that skips the mag (as the mag is already stable), however the velocity nerfs on tanks cannons are a buff to the mag, this is one of those things were you will need to see exactly how those changes interact with each other and the tanks before an over all consideration can be made. I also sort of expect a straif buff to coincide with the reverse buff, as they have been traditionally similar.

    even with other tanks being able to fire on the move the mag still has the best ability move unpredictably, other tanks having 2 possible move directions to magriders 8
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  10. SeanFree

    Although I saw the liberator nerfs coming, what the hell is this? Does SOE want liberators to be 100% useless? You already can barely fly in 48v48 fights...if 2 people pull skyguards and are smart it's often a no fly zone for a lib.

    Now what I find completely unbelievable is the airhammer and to a lesser extent rocket pod nerfs. I personally find the airhammer to be one of the most fun weapons in the game. The only time one gets vehicle kills (other than libs and esf's) with it is when the vehicle is heavily smoking or on fire and you swoop in for a kill steal.

    The airhammer deserves a buff to be on par with the banshee and PPA for AI duties as it's lackluster as hell compared to them right now. I might not be a MLG pro swag pilot with Auraxium on it but it's an average weapon receiving an unjust nerf.
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  11. Posse

    So... you're giving the ONLY advantage of the Magrider to the other 2 tanks, and also nerfing the usefulness of the Magrider's strafe? (since it's only useful to dodge at long range)

    I hope this implies you're buffing the Magrider's main cannon damage to Vanguard levels, otherwise, the Magrider will be the worst tank by far.

    While the Liberator in its current iteration is completely overpowered, I feel you're going way too far with this nerfs, you should go little by little with this.

    The Airhammer should be nerfed against other ESFs too imo, it's way too good against them compared to the Light PPA (which is impossible to use against ESFs btw)
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  12. Scr1nRusher

    Liberators and there weapons are STILL GOING TO BE VIABLE POST CHANGES.

    They are going to be better A2G then A2A.

    which is fine because this will make friendly ESF's protect liberators......

    Also the Rocket pod change will make it so rocket pods are good vs Infantry & light armor more then armor.

    While liberators will be best against Armored units.

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  13. Krokozor

    No they not. It's f*king MMO. Nobody shouldn't have any value if its only one person. 2-3 yes maybe.
  14. Jalek

    Will the Bulldog changes to the liberator version affect the others as well? They're rarely used by ground vehicles as it is.
  15. Zcuron

    Okay, if you want to increase risk vs reward perhaps you can increase damage falloff.

    But if you want to make people equip the others, I think you should incentivize use of the others;
    SPUR: AA gun, freelook aim. (high rof, accurate, bad versus vehicles)
    Vektor: Works against anything, freelook aim, perhaps make it more like a cannon. (say, 90-120rpm with damage to match)
    Buster: Heavy damage, no freelook aim. (the high-risk, high-reward gun)
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  16. Scr1nRusher


    as they said its only the Liberator Bulldog.

    The Ground vehicle bulldogs + the galaxy bulldogs will remain unchanged.
  17. Thagyr

    I don't think it was the slow reverse speed that encouraged tankers to sit far away from stuff, that's all I'm gonna say.
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  18. Ouch Electric

    Change is good is a fallacy. Good change is good. Bad change is bad.
  19. Tuco


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  20. Degenatron

    Everything in this makes me happy. I want to hug each and every one of guys!
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