Upcoming MergerSmash Server Naming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BoucheDag, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. Riddofme

    You causing drama only by this merger smash. For Miller we have like 40 outfits who want to participate but becouse woodman cant gather more than 240people half of the outfits dont have spots. Moreover some major outfits lost during random selection and are out of this smash.

    SOE should just pick new name for new server without any matches. This merger smash should be just some kind of open event for everyone without any prizes.
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  2. Sorrowfulwinds

    Let's just call it what it is, Two zergs and a TR
  3. Diodeone

  4. Negator

    How is there still confusion about the Mattherson/Waterson match?

    Nobody decided prior to the fight to name it Emerald. It was brought up, but in the end, the winning server got to choose what it wanted.

    Mattherson won the match, there was no question about it.

    Mattherson decided on Emerald as a name. the end. SOE had nothing to do with it; they just worded their PR badly.
  5. Bobbossa

    To all those claiming that everybody want's this alleged "fair" voting method for the name and that SOE are just ignoring the entire community. You are wrong, there are plenty of people who either want to fight over the name via the server smash and plenty of other people who just want the servers to merge as seamlessly as possible. You are the ones not listening to the community, please stop being so ******** that you didn't get your own way.
  6. Aszrayel

    OK, this has disturbed me some.


    This information I was given, is that the server merger smash between Woodman and Miller will happen at 19:00 BST on Sunday 3rd August. Now the link seems to contradict that. Can someone confirm this, otherwise, some of us have been completely miss informed.
  7. g0aten

    God please if we are named Miller I'll quite the game.... No but seriously it's such a bad name we want a fresh friggin name :/ (I am from Miller). Woodman is pretty good as a name but I wouldn't want my server to be named after an entirely different one (I would prefer it over Miller though....).
    Why not have a poll or WHATEVER! Woodmill is like AWESOME for example
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  8. zeGambling

    Just look up the forums and reddits u will the that most of the poeple find that naming policy rather stupid and that a neutral name would be the best decission. If it was a decission made by the community to fight over the names i would never dare to raise my voice. Its just that SOE decides over the head of the community whats best for them instead of asking them. Thats not just not listening its just not caring at all and everything radarx wrote in here was underlining that. If as properly as possible elected serverreps would have said that we fight over the name noone could seriously say anything against that.

    I dont care anymore about the stakes it self its about SOE prefering an solution that i would expect by countries like china and not by a company who has its mainseat in the USA , one of the first modern democracies. Its unbelieveable that people (even if they like what going on ) can accept things effecting the community because someone high up said that would be the "best" solution. Dude where do you live? germany 1943 ? Dont get me wrong they can do with the game what they want but dictating what the best for the community is well ... dictating^^. Its true that they are enabled by law to do so but seen under moral standarts their behavious in this regard and your willing to accept this is very dobious.
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  9. StiltonNinja1

    As it appears that SOE have made their mind up and refuse to budge, I propose we fight for a draw. Then they'll have to compromise.

    A new name is best, I don't really care who chooses it. Having the name of the winning server invites trash talk from the winning team, and I've seen enough from Miller since the last SS to not want to rubbed in my face every time I log on.
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  10. day ofm one

    Name Ceres and Cobalt -> Saphire