Upcoming adjustments to Alerts & Nanite costs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malorn, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. SpartanPsycho

    Hey did you know that tanks are not even performing like tanks! Their long range fire support! And infantry have AV weapons for each class! NOPE!!! You don't get a nerf! You have free counters!
  2. SpartanPsycho

    Infantry side players like Foxirus will never accept that this game is combined arms and therefore will nerf vehicles into oblivion. I just kill them as infantry because the No. 1 thing about infantry side players is they are bad.
  3. Raap

    Quit complaining about vehicles. The game hasn't been this fun in ages. Actual combined arms taking place now, as you need to bring everything to counter everything that your enemy brings. Tanks actually have other tanks to kill instead of farming infantry out of boredom? Oh my! This might actually solve your farming problem if you stop discouraging it.

    What will balance out the zerg play is when they implement resource harvesting and base neutralizing. As a Band-Aid, what they could do right now to minimize 'spam' across the board (YES INCLUDING YOU INFANTRY C4/MINE/GRENADE SPAMMERS!), is increase the nanite tick time from 1 minute to 2 minutes. Additionally I don't think it is unreasonable to attach a nanite cost to heavies unless they don't equip a rocket launcher. You know, force multipliers and all that talk you guys have about anything else that isn't infantry? Can be applied to consumables and rockets just as well. Bet you don't like that idea, do you?

    As for the suggestion of vehicle maintenance cost and nanite cap reduction while the vehicle is active, bloody madness, go play CoD if you wish to see ONLY infantry in this game.

    In closing, may I remind you infantry complainers that ever since SOE started catering to your wishes, the player count took a free fall? This game today is hardly the combined arms, massive scale persistent shooter that it was advertised to be, and we seem to be continuing on this road until eventually you can have your 20vs20 infantry only battles all day long with no alternatives. Every bloody patch people are more concerned about "What will they nerf to hell this time, will it make me quit as well?", instead of "Oh, a new patch, I'm excited to see the new content!". This nerf-everything mentality has to end.
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  4. drizzaa

    Yes, tell me about the trials and tribulations of your banshee farming. It must be so tough to use a whole clip and only get 10 kills and then you have to be burdened to switch to your rockets. And God forbid the infantry players shoot you down and you farm with your HE Prowler. All you do is farm and you are defending your farming tools to pad your stats because when it comes to infantry v infantry you suck. http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/player/Varkuta case and point
  5. Thardus

    Excellent. As soon as I saw the original criteria for a continent capture alert, I knew no one was ever going to win one. Basically, the instant one faction reached 75%, it turned into a 2 on 1 fight.
  6. nightbird

    Please make defense win reducing attacker faction to 33% OR a defending empire gets 51%.
  7. Juno

    I think it is less about the cost of stuff (like the MAX), and just the income we get. It is too high.
    I can pull a MBT, and drive around for 9 minutes and have full resources again.
  8. Alan Kalane

    OK you missed my point so here's the short version:
    -Tanks (and vehicles in general) should be considered as power-ups and thus one shouldn't be able to constantly drive a tank.

    What are we even talking about if we see 30 tanks spawncamping 10 infantry?Do you consider it "infantry only"?
  9. Alizona

    Thank you Sony!!!!!!! I miss the old alerts, it gave me something to do, something to focus on, something to work towards to get a nice cert bonus.

    I came to the forums to make a whining post about how I miss the alerts, thankfully I no longer have to embarass myself by doing so since I see Sony is right on top of things!!!!!
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  10. Nerd Mode

    Everyone farms...or are you the lone hero that valiantly plays to not get the most kills/points/certs in the least amount of time? Oh, and please, just stop with the silly stat linking and slandering someone's so-called "lack of infantry v infantry skills" in a game that's not infantry only. You want a game that has no tanks, aircraft, MAX's, HA's or C-4? Go play another FPS.
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  11. Flag

    Predict your target's movement by the client-server-client ping.
    It's by no means an exact science, but that's how you do it.
  12. Thesweet

    A t
    Actually, see how many defence points I have compared to caps, normally I will fall back into a point where I am out numbered it is a much harder fight. I never spawn farm because I find it incredibly boring and I am always defending. Yes I got my araxium medals on banshee and pods, but I haven't used them in about 6 months because I was only after the araxium medal. I have a range of ideas that improve vehicle mechanics so they rely on infantry to be effective meaning they can't be used to farm, but I find most players are against change unless it's a nerf, so it makes my arguments pointless.
  13. DevDevBooday

    I like the current tank costs, infantry will always dominate within bases etc, tanks cant cap points or get inside buildings, in most bases there are walls or vehicle shields.
    But the new tank costs have created alot more tank battles BETWEEN bases, on the plains of indar or Esamir, or the forests of amerish.

    I think current tank costs are fine specially after the HEAT and HE nerf, taking away alot of infantry killing potential anyway.
  14. VanYaSRB

    you are right that word is a bit strong...what i wanted to say is that kids these days don't want to play 1 vs 1 and show some skills cuz weapons are all balanced,they all rush to get max unit cuz they want to have advantade over other players...MAX unit should be very rare and rewarded to ppl who are good players...there is no valid point to take any other class except Max...if you pick LA for example you cannot capture point cuz there are 1-5 max's there and you can only die if you try anything,even if you manage to capture it it won't be for long cuz they will get another one....as for vehicles i have nothing against them but everyone are just spamming tanks...there was a fight at indar with 15-20 tanks on each side and the fight was going on for HOURS,no one was moving anywhere,no capturing points NOTHING...just tanks spamming at each other...occasionally you could see an infiltrator but he dies as soon as he shows up...i agree with the rest that this should not be only infantry game like COD but this is too much...as i said there is no reason to play any class except MAX cuz they are so powerfull...maybe once in an hour i could get in position to drop c4 on him but that's it...
  15. siiix

    horrible changes , but then again most of the original players like me are long gone .. sad to lose a game i loved so much

    my suggestion, maybe run a classic server so players who were here since beta can play too .. to me the game is unplayable now
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  16. MistaN

    Eh, the alert triggering was fine where it was. Lowering it down to the 50's is pretty ridiculous. Alerts should be something special and a big event....not something that just happens to happen. It was great to own a continent for a whole day. You were able to log out and come back into the game and still have that benefit instead of feeling like you have to hurry up and get that benefit right now before you log out because you're going to miss it. It also gave us bragging rights.

    It's going to be musical chairs all over again :(
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  17. andy_m

    I'm 54.

    I don't have very good skills at 1v1.

    I pull a MAX suit when I go help take a point back and I manage to kill a few enemy.

    I am the first to admit that, at least when I am going for infantry, I use my MAX suit as a skill crutch. So what? It is there for using, I use it.

    This morning I got a few kills with my Mattock. When the enemy realised I was on point I didn't last long simply because the guys knew what they were doing and came after me with conc nades and wiped me out pretty quickly.

    Yes, MAX's are powerful, and if you try to take one on single handedly then you may well suffer, but you can easily counter them, if you know what you are doing.

    So, dare I say, "learn to play?"
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  18. Nurath

    Sounds like a bandaid to cure an amputated leg.

    Honestly, this patch was a bad idea in my mind, but at least SOE are doing something to fix the problem...that they created.
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  19. PastalavistaBB

    I would buy an add-on that does this for me, with SC. Higby pleaz... :rolleyes:
  20. Flag

    Tsk, you don't need that. ;D Besides, you can already check your own ping. From there it's not so hard to guestimate the rest.