Upcoming adjustments to Alerts & Nanite costs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malorn, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. minhalexus

    So you want everything in this game to be free?

    cuz MAXES basically can continuously be pulled by me.
  2. _itg

    They're not trying to nerf MAXes, just reign in their numbers to something like they were pre-patch. You can't tell me you didn't notice there aer 5x the MAXes in any given battle, did you?

    Of course, the number of tanks has exploded, too, but that doesn't seem to bother people as much. Probably because now the tanks can spend more time fighting other tanks instead of farming infantry all day.
  3. TheKhopesh

    I must agree.
    A flash is an investment.

    Also, If I pull a turbo flash, that's able to go +70 KPH, on a +400 Kilo mass, that's virtually enough energy to turn a full grown bull inside out.
    Hitting a human in a metal suit (loaded to bare with ammo, complex moving mechanisms, and what I can only assume to be one heck of a power source given some of the max abilites like ZOE and the Aegis shield) would most certainly kill him.

    Then there's the issue with difficulty of road kills (Which is exceedingly difficult to do thanks to some sort of client/server voodoo I don't truly understand beyond "The client-side hit detection doesn't apply to vehicle/vehicle and vehicle/infantry collisions".
  4. Kalivix

    450 isn't enough to stop the spam, you can still spawn 1 near constantly unless you manage to die the second you pull it. It needs to be 750 for MAXs, MBTs, and gals, and about 650 for a lib and 500 for a lightning / ESF. That would balance things out so people don't spam everything non stop.

    And its not just MAXs being spammed every vehicle is being non stop spammed and its killing the game, I can't find any fights that don't have 20-30 tanks outside farming the spawn room.
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  5. HadesR

    Sledgehammer changes when only small tweaks are needed ..

    51% and 65% is to low ..

    Territory should mean something and the capture of continents should mean the most of all .. Yes you maybe want the alerts to trigger a little more often but they should still be a challenge and not to " achievable "

    A Tweak of lowering them to 65% and 75% would be a fair start ..
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  6. M4gn1

    If the defenders win the alert will that trigger another alert when they get 51% or more?
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  7. MaxDamage

    This got me thinking, because if a MAX unit uses Charge against an ATV it sends the ATV flying, and can flip over and explode. I wonder what would happen if a MAX charged an ATV trying for roadkill?
  8. DatVanuMan

    The changes are nice, and I really like them:)
    Now then, onto more important matters... WHERE IS MY VS LOADING SCREEN, and when are you guys making the factions more unique? (Better models, audio, damage and RoF values, feel of playing each faction, etc.) Best of luck, devs:)
  9. PraetorGavorn

    But I was having fun watching Lasher Heavies work together to melt MAX blobs...
  10. Zica96

    Aaaahhh the Forumside whiners spoke again! Good job guys, good job, a MAX unit cost freaking 450 certs like a f..king tank!! It should at least be like 375 or max 400 not freaking 450!! And when is the damn ANT coming?
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  11. Alan Kalane

    You're kidding right?
    Tanks and aircraft are called "Force multipliers".Currently we see more tanks ("Force multipliers") than infantry.Why? Because if everyone can constantly afford a force multiplier then what's the point in playing as infantry (other than capping a control point, which usually means just standing for 5 minutes on the point and watching tanks farm the enemy)?

    With the nerfing thouh you might be right. The vehicles seem a bit overnerfed ( 1 LA kills 2 people in a tank etc ) so I agree with this but under one condition :
    make them far less avaiable to everyone (idk how, decrase resources tick rates or sth)
    If tanks became rare (1-2 tanks per 50-100 infantry) we could talk about a buff. Bus as it stands-No way unless you want to see WoT in Planetside, in which case you should probably switch to that game (Unless you like spawncamping of course).
  12. VanYaSRB

    i see some ppl complaining how 450 is too much but let me tell you something...even if they change max cost to 750 it won't matter.i only play 3 classes in this game LA,Medic,HA...am telling you this to let you know i don't play with max at all cuz to me it feels unfair (cheating or hacks) :) since i don't play with them it means i didn't put any cert on them and with that kind of max i can easily play for 10-15 minutes and farm certs on infantry i can play even longer with them if there i have someone constantly fixing me...since there is 50 resources per minute by the time they kill my max i already have resources to get another one...that is why i don't play them...tbh i think i don't want them in game at all...with this new resources i feel like an idiot when i pick infantry to play cuz in very first minutes i die so many times by vehicles...in 4 hours i got 38 certs...i mean there are infantry i just can't get to them cuz i get one shoted by tanks...so idk...i don't want to say it is bad or good it's just not what it used to be
  13. ThePropain

    Yes! 75% for a trigger is definitely too hard to reach on Connery.
    Also, when a faction does happen to reach it, the system glitches out and the alert does not trigger.
  14. khai

    Probably over compensating with the launch criteria but this will be better. Also probably overcompensating with max cost as well.

    What needs to be added are some of the other alerts that we had. Like take all the domes, amp station, etc. Not that they should effect continent locking or anything just for something to do. Call them challenges instead of alerts to differentiate. Add some smaller ones like take and hold the crown on indar for 1 hour, have them pop up at random, even have ones that are only seen by one faction like take base x within 30 minutes for a 1000 point bonus. We need some variety in the skinner box. If you want player involvement have a cert line that allows players to declare the smallest level (take base x ones), either for their squad, outfit or faction. Pretty sure that last has been suggested before.
  15. Makora

    I dunno. I like my MAX. I really do. I can understand the need to cut down on the number. But at the very least give the damn thing a buff so it's worth it's price. Being just as expensive as a damn MBT,
  16. andy_m

    I'm sorry, but are you calling people who use a MAX suit a cheater?

    Bit strong that isn't it? They are a part of this game and are there to be used as we see fit.

    As for Malorn calling it "spam," what about all the other so called spam we get? Why just pick on the MAX?
  17. Astealoth

    Alert changes sound great. Can't wait, MAX sounds fine too. Maybe sunderer should take it's 350 nanite spot. Sometimes them sunderer trains get a little bit big. Sunderers feel a little off at 200.
  18. GrizzV

    Just wanna pitch in real quick and say this:

    When a faction owns 50% of the territory, they probably have the largest pop on the continent and the momentum.
    So when an alert timer starts, an opposing faction has 1 hour to regroup from all other continents, move over, group up, push and win.
    And you not only have to hold, you have to get 50% yourself? against a force that has the momentum and the pop?

    Pretty much impossible. I see the vast majority of these alerts ending in a draw, because a response from both other factions will most likely mean the momentum will stop in the mid 50%, but for any other faction to get 50% themselves is pretty much impossible.

    Especially because this whole 2 vs 1 thing is just an SOE dream. The two factions that are supposed to unite against the oppressive force that triggered the alert will still fight each other, because they're stupid. It's just what happens.

    Check your stats in a week or so SOE, and see how many defensive alert wins you'll have. My money's on hardly any.
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  19. Thesweet

    Because vehicles are op after all the nerfs?
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  20. Thesweet

    PS1 was all about infantry and vehicles, currently I see people saying ps is all about infantry and that is the complete opposites of what this game used to be about. Plenty of games out there that are infantry only, cod, CS, ut and many more. So I ask, why do we need to turn ps2 into yet another infantry only game?