Upcoming adjustments to Air vs Ground balance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Hamoct

    pathetic and inadequate

    increase anti air turrets.. they are killed in seconds
  2. Onizuka-GTO

    Woah, that sucks to be AA, after all that defending, that poor bloke only got a few XP near end where he killed only one ESF.

    Yeah, i can see how being AA is really unrewarding, an AA buff is really needed. Which is conflicting since i'm a dedicated Liberator pilot. But fair is fair.
    • Up x 3
  3. omega4

    It's NOT fair.

    Give ALL AA units lots of XPs for DAMAGING enemy aircraft.

    Then do NOT change the Air v. Ground balance.
  4. StealthWar

    That AA max only costs 100 infantry resources (which are usually plentiful) and doesn't have nearly as bad of a timer.
  5. Maximilious

    The thing was that people were whinning about AA not being able to kill air since they were suppose to just "scare them away", however who would AA when you get no kills or no EXP?

    The ONLY thing that they should of done in this BALANCE issue was add EXP to all AA equipments to gain some sort of EXP per hit instead of KILLs this would of fixed all the QQing in the forums.

    But no, they have to buff all AA, nerf the poop out of flak armor for aircraft and make the game extremely unbalanced. It's all good since I was cautious enough to add certs to my tanks as well as lib :)
  6. FireKetchup

    Too bad SOE has your number there too with the new rocket launcher coming out lol.
  7. Croak

    I'm beginning to think that the G2A launcher will be seldom used. One big thing for me is that with the launcher out, it basically means that a G2A HA is UNARMED when using it, against all but aircraft, due to the painfully (and fatally) long time to swap back to your primary or secondary.

    At least now, if you have the G2A out and loaded, you have some ability to strike back in CQ before your face is melted off.

    And every other "dedicated" AA weapon will continue to be able to do this, from Burster to AA Turret to Skyguard.

    You'll see more use of the guided G2G launcher because there's still a better chance of racking up kills and assists against ground vehicles, maybe enough to warrant continued use. But I suspect every HA in the game will be sporting the default launcher or the Devastator not long after the patch, leaving AA duties to a lonely few HA hanging out near a weapons terminal or AMS.

    I predict that the net effect will be more, not less, air dominance. And it'll mean great things for Magrider drivers too, if the guided missiles don't get used. With even a half-decent driver that strafes, they're already damned hard to hit with the fast, flatter trajectory mode on the guided missles when not locked. They're nearly impossible to get an AIMED shot on with the softball pitch delivery of the dumbfires, at anything beyond medium range.
  8. Eric Smith

    "Only?" I have a hard enough time with infantry resources when I'm buying Mines, Grenades, C-4, Claymores, Restoration Kits, and myriad of other items. 100 infantry resources is rather a lot, actually. OTOH Air Resources can only be used on aircraft, and I suspect that most pilots specialize in only one of the aircraft. This means that on any relatively even or dominating continent you shouldn't ever have problems pulling an ESF due to resource limitations unless you also fly Lib or Gal. And the timer for a Max is 10 minutes vs 15 minutes for an ESF. That's a bit shorter, but it's still a pretty significant timer, not something to be dismissed, especially when the Max is useful as AI indoors too, so if you die because you get pushed inside the base chances are you won't be able to use the AI Max in the defensive battle.

    Me, I'm firmly in the camp of giving AA XP for damage dealt to aircraft. The Devs have repeatedly said that ground based AA is supposed to be a deterrent, so why not reward it for doing it's supposed job of deterring aircraft? If they'd done that relatively small change I think it would have made far more difference and made far more people happy.
    • Up x 2
  9. Maximilious

    IF they decided to drop this patch because it clearly makes alot of people angry (not just pilots, some HA also pissed off about their weapons being completely changed)

    BUT! they made it so for every hit (damage) you did to enemy aircraft would give you some EXP in return (plus a big bonus if aircraft was destroyed)

    do you think people would stop QQing and call it a day?
  10. Phrygen

    Decimator is going to ruin tank play. especially lightings.

    Giving it to HA is even worse, as if they aren't the strongest combat class already...
  11. StealthWar

    So basically it's going to be a game of infantry and glass tanks/airframes.
  12. omega4

    I agree completely on all your points.

    I think the ground AA users were justified in complaints about not being rewarded with XPs for driving off enemy air.

    I just don't understand why the PS2 developers can't simply give ground AA lots of XPs for damage inflicted on enemy air, as well as a HUGE bonus for actually destroying enemy air.
  13. GundamMerc

    Dear lord, everyone so upset about AA rockets not being able to be fired at ground vehicles. That definitely doesn't happen in any other popular ga- oh wait, what about the stinger missile in BF3?
  14. omega4

    I agree with you that THIS would be the best solution in my opinion.

    Leave the Air v. Ground balance as it is.

    Give Ground AA XPs for every point of damage inflicted on enemy aircraft plus a HUGE bonus for destroying an enemy aircraft (300+ XPs).

    Then we can call it a day.
  15. StealthWar

    Too late. SOE already has air in their sights. We're wasting our time advocating the alternate solutions, and better be preparing our contingencies.

    The real question is, once they enable cert/weapon refunds, what certs/weapons are you going to relinquish from these changes? Other than auto-lock launchers.
  16. willowstyle

    and no word about render distance?

    isf->grunt=250m (150m when coming at full speed with lag)

    and u found a way to nerf isf against grunts?...
    give us all same render distance and rebalance after that.
    at this time isf are spamed by ground auto guided missiles, this next patch will be the death for them, condemned to stay above 800m playing with other isf.
    byebye isf AG
  17. Dubious

    Put a 70 air resource cost on flares

    I can see the whine already: "Why dosent my flares work?!??"
  18. Stickybuds

    The AA rocket launcher already has reduced dmg. why are you removing the dumb fire option? ugg i just bought this thing yesterday and its already getting nerfed =(
  19. chronium

    That's disappointing I was hoping to see the Engineers AA and AV turrets be implemented next week. What's going on with them?
  20. Badmethod

    And the bat swings....