underbarrel- and AV grenades are junk

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TR5L4Y3R, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. TR5L4Y3R

    pretty much the title

    neither AV- nor underbarrelgrenades deal enough damage to armor
    3 UB grenades can´t even finish off a MAXsuit ... forget even trying to hit much less bombard infantry with them
    as they both require close range and still are laughably bad to aim with, minimum armingdistance makes it even impossible to use them ... and considering non engineerinfantry are limited to 3 rounds what is even the friggin purpose?

    AS for AV grenades even with grenade bandolier you still require 3 additional dumbfire missiles to destroy a lightning from the side against MAXsuits they are useless with how they don´t stick to them (bug or nerf?)

    seriously buff these options in damage and usability ... also add the missilepouch to all classes to increase the amount of ammo for underbarrel grenadelaunchers (and smokegrenadelaunchers) ... do the same with ammunitionbelt to increase underbarrelshotgun ammo
    ihmo both AV Grenades and UB Grenades should roughly deal slightly less damage than a dumbfire missile to armor
  2. Scroffel5

    Could the UB grenades deal more damage? Yes. But thats not really what they are for. They aren't really made for heavily damaging tough armor. I honestly used them to hold points as an Engineer or on top of an Engineers ammo pack, and I'd deny area. Now with the buff to the reload speed (thank goodness cuz it was super slow), you can do that more effectively. But they could do more damage to armor with no problems.
  3. TR5L4Y3R

    well the engineer doesn´t need to bother with ammo issues ... every other class that doesn´t have an engineer/ammobox/ infantryterminal nearby does .. thus underbarrel weapons should have some way to increase their ammunition ... either they put default ammo at 5 or as aforementioned allow missilepouches to increase the ammo +1 per level which

    additionaly the NSO entirely lacks a carbine and scoutrifle with underbarrel capability ... they only have an assaultrifle capable of doing it ..
  4. Scroffel5

    Most definitely! I was actually really annoyed when I went to my medic class and was looking for the bandolier, and it wasn't there. I was trying to play a Warden UB Smoke Medic for my team. Default ammo should be raised along with allowing missilepouch.
  5. Demigan

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: unless UB weapons become abilities that are used as quick and easy as grenades, class abilities or quick-knifing. In fact keeping it as something to switch to makes LESS sense than having to switch to grenades would.
    Press X to fire it, press X again to reload. Thats how easy it should be.
    • Up x 1
  6. Botji

    You sure you arent just using the Punisher with its baby nades?
    The big boy UBGLs deals a lot of damage, 1 hit kill unless they have Flak and a MAX will actually be dead after 3 hits unless they repair between them ofc.

    The arming distance can be a pain but a headshot is still a 1 hit kill, @500 damage it can even be a decent finisher if you run out of ammo.

    You could use the NSX Kuwa on Engineer, Heavy and Medics if you want to have a UB attachment.

    I wouldnt complain if the UBGL got buffs but idk if it would be good for the game to get more explosion spam, I even used to counter snipe with it when it had better range. There is a reason why the Solstice SF is the weapon I still have the most kills with even though its literally years since I really used it and its not because its a super amazing bullet-hose.
  7. TR5L4Y3R

    punisher doesn´t deal any damage to armor so of course not ..
    i mean i am NOT talking about AI capability even though the UB launcher is horrible to aim with for that..

    it´s the second sentence

    i can not confirm that, it was consistently 2 shot kill against infantry on direct hit and maxxes still having health after 3 shots ..
    UB shotgun though: oneshotkill on infantry ...

    oh the weapon you just need to collect fourthousand A7 for ? ... riiiight ...

    they could just do the same they did with hunter explosive bolts, slightly nerf AI damage for better anti armor capability ..
  8. Botji

    We can pretend you didnt talk about the AI capability as well as the 4k A7 to get a weapon being way too much if you want to, didnt know you just wanted to complain about it.
  9. TR5L4Y3R

    except i didn´t, that was meant to speak about their aimability first and foremost

    doesn´t change the fact that NSO still lacks certpurchaseable UB capable weapons the other factions have when they ALSO have access the kuwa ... still doesn´t change that UB grenades with definitive antiarmorcapability are horribly underpowered against it ..