I just paid for All Access. I'm on the Connery server for NC. Two continents have a queue and when I click "Enter Queue," nothing pops up telling me I'm in the queue or anything.
I have seen it happening sometimes. Make sure you first redeploy and then enter queue or use the terminals at the warp gate.
Apparently they still haven't been able to get the queue system work properly, just yesterday I was waiting in queue and after getting tired of it I slammed Esc and noticed that "Warp to (continent)?"-query was hidden under the queue screen.
There was someone yelling about this in the WG last night, on Miller. He was pressing to join the queue and nothing was happening. People tried to help him but he was new and ended up saying he would just uninstall the game. #newplayerexperience
Has happend to me as well although in the background I have always been added to the queue. Its just that the notification didnt show up. Safest way is to use the warp terminals at the warpgate. Trying to change continents when dead and using one of the "spawn" options from the deploy screen is the most buggy.