Unable to chat/yell/say

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TommyXXX, Dec 21, 2015.

  1. TommyXXX


    Just today, suddenly I am unable to send any messages. I can't use tell, whisper, say, squadsay, outfitsay, yell, not even voice macros. Whats going on?
  2. Imperial Sect

    Okay I am not the only one.
  3. Colonelveers12

    Nope it's a universal problem currently, blame it on the pink camo.
    • Up x 1
  4. Allisrem

    Damn you, pink camo!

    Oh... the topic... Yeah having the same problem
  5. TommyXXX

    glad to know.. i thought i got muted or something XD
  6. BamaRage

    Had the same problem......
  7. HappyStuffin

    Same here. Chat was broken on and off.

    Patch working as intended.
  8. Savadrin

    I forgot about this, but I did encounter it before I logged off last night.
  9. JobiWan

    The other night I couldn't use Region chat but others were working. Obviously something is borked.