Ukraine decal

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by P0RTALer, Oct 26, 2014.

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  1. CyraxUA

    Слава Україні
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  2. Niramartlu

    Просрали вы свой хохлостан уже давно, лалки.
  3. Fatal_Finn

  4. Atis

    By shooting players with Ukraine flag? Thats a peculiar way to show compassion.
  5. julius1986

    Главное ты свою пидарашку не просрал лапоть =)
    • Up x 3
  6. julius1986

  7. Kristan

    Yes, add flag of a country that might soon be gone. :rolleyes:

    PS Holy batman, what a necro.
  8. julius1986

    yeeeaah u so smart. mb u putin? =))))
  9. breeje

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