Ukraine decal

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by P0RTALer, Oct 26, 2014.

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  1. P0RTALer

    Add Ukraine flag decal please )
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  2. DatVanuMan

    And delay progress on more important issues? YES PLEASE!
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  3. AFK1

    Adding art assets doesn't really delay progress for anything else, unless this game is being supported by a single person
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  4. DatVanuMan

    I was being serious, man. I know that making a single flag doesn't take much. I can use MS Paint and make a flag in less that an hour! Even weapon designing doesn't take up much.
    But consider this: Is it better for the whole crew to work on a weapon, or only 98% of the crew to work on it? (Horrible example, but still:p)
  5. Flag

    The difference would be something like 100% or 99.99999998%.
    There's nothing wrong with asking for this to be added, considering the other flags that's already in the game (that wasn't in the world championship, where the original flags came from).

    More Flags!
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  6. DatVanuMan

    Of course you would defend this thread. Fine, let there be more flags, but a Middle Eastern voice pack better be released!
  7. Flag

    The effort making a flag decal is not even comparable to the effort of making a voice pack.

    Btw, my nickname doesn't come from "flags" per se. :p That's just an evolution (or devolution) of a different word.
  8. DatVanuMan

    1. How so? All you have to do is record an Arabian person speaking (Preferably Lebanese), download them to the game files, release them, make some moneyz... I think.
    2. What is the word? I can't think of an evolution or devolution to the word "flag.":p
  9. WTSherman

    My main complaint is I'm sure the VS would use it to make themselves look like NC. >_>
  10. Flag

    1: There's more effort and time involved in making a voice pack than making a flag decal. :p
    2: "Conflagrate" (and something about killing my raid repeatedly in WoW/Sunwell back in those days) -> Mr Conflag -> Mr Flag -> Flag. It just stuck.

    There's already a Swedish flag in there. :p
  11. Kolbax

    Considering what is going on in Ukraine at this time, you could show some compassion and add a smile to someones face.

    Or is that too much to ask. :rolleyes:

    благослови тебе Господь P0RTALer.
  12. ZeroRyoko

    If you add Ukraine do you have to add Novorossiya?
  13. BeefySleet

    I think Canada should be included before Ukraine lol.
  14. Siilk

    lol, OP should just play as NC. We have blue and yellow in spades. ;)
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  15. Konstantinn

    It's funny, I was born and raised in Ukraine, but I'd rather have Russian flag decal. Better yet, Soviet for my TR, hammer and sickle would look way cooler.
  16. Diilicious

    adding a new flag might make make enforcer shoot Saron lazers for a week tho...
  17. Yuki10

    YES ! Ukranian flag decal would in fact be SUPER awesome!

    And yes - stop further development as it brings nothing but anger.
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  18. ColonelChingles

    That's absolutely ridiculous.

    At least half a month, more if you count the bugs that stem from the "hotfix" that's supposed to fix the Enforcer lasers.
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  19. Yuki10

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  20. Pelojian

    Before they can add flags they need to work out legal issues with respective governments.

    I hope Australian and New Zealand flags are on their agenda though.
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