UI updates

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hatamoto, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. Hatamoto

    Its like you go to great lenghts to avoid adding options that allow disabling HUD features ... Even though you know the minimap and multiple dorritos are responsible for a 5-10 fps decrease when activated in heavy combat situations. Im starting to think you havent even tried disabling the HUD in a zerg to know what the deal is about ... There is a pretty significant difference, also making aiming hard because of course, the crosshair is disabled as well.

    I see updates to the UI and HUD almost every game update, but just making the HUD scaleable already is apparently SUPER hard? It will grant people with low zerg fps a few extra fps, whats wrong with that eh?

    Just do it ?
  2. Hatamoto

    Also; again no significant performance updates, yet again nothing mentioned in the patch notes?