UBGL kills don't count to auraxium?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by theholeyone, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. theholeyone

    My auraxium counter for the solstice SF is up around 1325 iirc (1225 current and 100 to next). Is this a thing with UBGL use or just a generic counter bug? I got auraxium on the equinox VE2 (also UBGL) around the right number, but I also didn't spam the UBGL so much.

    If it intentionaly doesn't count, can we get a actual UBGL auraxium medal? Also, give us vehicle roadkill auraxium medal too, they would be fun.
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  2. Pikachu

    It would surprise me a lot. UBGL got to be a huge contributor to the purple medal on my s carbine and AR.
  3. DiHorizon

    Auraxium kill counters are fairly broken. I haven't gotten any two weapons to ever trigger on the same number. But my UBGL spam triggered Auraxium around the right number (which I think is 1130).

    Unlike C4, which triggered 200 ills too early...
  4. theholeyone

    A weird thing to be broken, how it doesn't use the same number, or at least sync those number on login or something is baffling.
  5. FoolArcana

    I believe the discrepancy stems from destroying empty vehicles. Those count towards an auraxium, even though they aren't recorded as a kill.
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  6. CaligoIllioneus

    Yes, destroying vehicles, turrets, and such, count towards auraxium, however the stat menu only tracks player kills. That's why the number may be altered.

    Also yes, the UBGL counts towards auraxium, when I got it on my Trac-5 S, I think only about 10% were bullet kills :p
  7. TheKhopesh

    UBGL kills do count toward it, as to why the numbers are off, I do not know.

    I hope this is the case.
  8. TheKhopesh

    Also, the exact number to trigger Auraxium is 1160.
    (But this has many problems, so it doesn't always do so when it should).


    Keep in mind, if you trial a weapon, it will count those kills on the kill counter, but it will not count toward medals.
  9. CaligoIllioneus

    Also even engineer turrets count as kills for the medals. At least, they used to.
  10. theholeyone

    Makes sense for DiHorizons early C4, but extra kills counting towards auraxium is not the problem here, quite the opposite.
    Don't think I ever trialled the SF, certainly not over 150 kills worth anyway.
  11. LuNaTIcFrEAk

    After one off the GUs I was past gold on my lasher but the medals set back to none, re-got bronze at like 200 kills. Never complained because I got the medal certs a second time around.
  12. Vortok

    For a long time the Solstice SF didn't have medals, so you couldn't make any progress towards them. You likely just got a lot of kills before they fixed it a few months ago. I know one guy had well over 2k kills with the SF and still hadn't gotten the Auraxium yet due to that issue.
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  13. theholeyone

    That is probably it, got it just now, and grenade kills were definetely counted.
  14. Kyouki

    They do count and the number for auraxium is 1160
    10 for bronze
    50 for silver
    100 for gold and
    1000 for auraxium.
  15. theholeyone

    Not all the time sunshine; hence the thread.
  16. Kyouki

    I never said it counts all these kills accurately or what causes it to have different values but those are the numbers where the medals are set.
  17. gigastar

    Thats correct for C4 and rocket launchers, but not really the case for the UBGL.
  18. theholeyone

    Yup, actually thought I was going to get it by killing a flash, but it didn't count that kill.
  19. Adamar09

    It was changed across the board quite some time ago. Vehicle kills of any sort no longer give medal progress. A nice big middle finger to AP tanks, rocket launchers, bursters, and the like.

    Vortok has it right, I'll be at 1800 kills or something stupid before getting Auraxium on it. Contacted SOE, nothing they can do about it.
  20. Takoita

    My SKEP 'to auraxium medal' counter shows up as '--' but I don't have enough kills yet with it to test whether it will trigger or not. My tank mines did swindle me out of about 200 kills due to the mess with medals we had earlier though.