TX2 Emperor Firing Blanks

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Eagle6, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Eagle6

    I don't know if anyone else experienced this but when I was firing my TX2 after the latest patch it made every indication that it was firing but not one shot registered. I fought a few people with it at point blank range both from the hip and aimed and every time it made the report, made the animation, but then did no damage at all nor was there a hit indicator ever.
  2. Mogon

    I am also getting this, I was shooting someone with the Emperor, and no damage was registering. I also shot a friendly terminal, and I did not get grief points, I pulled out my rifle and shot it and did get greif points. The Emperor does indeed seem to be doing 0 damage right now.
  3. Fallenafar-US-

    Yup same happens with me :(