Two year anniversary bundle :)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Love, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Love

    I just wanted to Know does anybody know what will be in this bundle and when it will be out, because last years bundle was sort off bad :/
  2. SerasVic

    20 nov

    'll have 6 month +50% boost for ALL character

    horn for MBT and something else

    Armors for every class

    and many other *****
  3. Love

    cool thx man
  4. Prudentia

    Holo armors
    finally i can be shiny while i'm shiny. and thats no sarcasm, Tech camo is love, tech camo is life
  5. Alkezo

    If you go to the Exceptional Directives page in game and click Unlock on one of the AE weapons it will show you what's in the bundle. Don't worry, it will give an error if you try to buy it now, confirmed by RadarX.
  6. BlueSkies

    AE version of the NS 15M2 and the NS Baron I believe
  7. Pikachu

    Armor for all classes that is glowy and only visible from the right angle.
    A boring ES camo for all factions.
    NS lmg that is black and orange.
    NS shotgun that is black and orange.
    ESF horn.
    MBT horn.
    Heroic boost 6 months.
    New knife.
    5 implants.
  8. Palkora

  9. patrykK1028

    But you have to pay for it?
  10. Palkora

    Of course, 4000SC. Thats the current price for it. Although I doubt SOE will drop it when its final. Especially if it has 6 months boost included that may or may not be account wide (meaning new characters will get the boost and all the items)
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  11. ronjahn

    SOE why do you only make MBT horn available in a package that includes a bunch of things I don't need? I will gladly pay the price tag for all 3 factions if these were released independent of the AE package.

    Seriously though, Galaxies get the sky whale horn in the cash shop, which is only in there because of the players term "sky whale" and as a joke, but MBT, who could actually use a horn, must wait and spend over $40 to get one. Pretty ****** if you ask me.

    MBT horns could actually function in game to get people out of my freaking way(especially where proxy chat is broken) but I have to wait until mid November to spend $40 on a bunch of things I don't want to get one item that I have wanted since the first set of horns was released.

    How about I just spend no money instead? Sound good? It does to me.

    Edited out $30, for the actual $40 price tag. Awesome. While your at it throw another velocity nerf our way, it couldn't hurt.
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  12. BlueSkies

    On the Higby pls stream from like the 29th he said that its the other way around. They tried doing the logo but it kept not working right and they ended up going with the yellow slash.
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  13. patrykK1028

    WTF? Its the game anniversary, WE should be awarded... Even in NFS World where everybody complains about P2W, we get free stuff for every anniversary, Christmas, Easter, for likes on Facebook. And in PS2: " You can BUY something because we have anniversary". XD
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  14. InoxGecko

    I was super excited when Higby showed us what's gonna be in the bundle. But 4000SC, I can't afford that :(
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  15. JudgeNu

    The 6mos boost itself is 30$. ( That is 2mos sub. in essence )
    The bundle is 3999SC and for Members it will be 3600SC w/10% discount.

    But you get extras.
    That would normally cost SC.

    You can go to Test Server and click on the Bundle and it will give you some images of what is inside. ( I did it in VR last night )
    You can click on them to see what they look like on default player model.

    I didn't try to hear the horns

    I am not particularly fond of the armor and the Camo is sub-par at most.

    I will probably buy the pack.

    EDIT: I suppose if the armor was all black and the weapons were an upgrade there would be cries of P2W!
  16. Pikachu

    Last anniversary package got quite popular. I saw plenty of people running around with the new camo. Yet no lasting increase in ESRL users. People don't even use lancer or phoenix even when they get it as a bonus.
  17. sindz

    4000 SC is a rip off, and I don't care how many years of anniversary it is - like it has been said, they playerbase should be awarded by supporting the game. 1000-2000 SC I could barely understand, but 4k is beyond ********.
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  18. Thurwell

    The six month boost alone normally costs 4500.
  19. sindz

    I dont really care, its an _anniversary_ bundle. Not something that should be compared to what you can get on an every day basis.
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  20. SushiCW

    I still use the camo, it's quite nice.
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