Two Questions....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MurgNC, Aug 30, 2016.

  1. MurgNC

    1. It used to be when using my hunter cloak if I pressed my "fire" key (left mouse) that I would uncloak and if I kept holding it down I would then open fire.

    After a recent update, now if I'm cloaked and try to fire I first have to manually uncloak. This minor inconvenience has cost me more than a few kills, because while I'm fumbling for my uncloak key my target of opportunity is escaping. I've looked at the keybinding screen but seen nothing out of the ordinary. Is there any way to get back to the "fire-to-uncloak" gameplay?

    2. How many allies does it take to activate a HIVE? It seems like the answer to this should be easy to find, but so far Google has failed me.

    Last night I spent an hour building a cool base with friends. There were eight of us in the squad, but the HIVE never activated, we kept getting the message that it was "too dangerous" and we needed more pop. How many people is enough?

    Thank you for any help!
  2. Campagne

    If you go into the PS2 directory, (which can be accessed through the game laucher by clicking on the wrench icon for advanced tools or wherever you installed the game to) and scroll down to the bottom of the folder you will find a file called "UserOptions." If you open that up you will see a large number of advanced options which you can not always access in-game. Find "DecloakOnFire=0" and change the 0 to 1. Save the file and re-launch the game.

    You will now be able to automatically decloak by firing again. :)

    As for #2, I'm afraid I can't help you there.