[Suggestion] Turrets

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Brahma2, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. Brahma2

    Typically, at smaller fights, turrets on bases aren't manned. This allows people at the base to be farmed with impunity by any vehicle that comes along.

    Solution by way of weird idea: Automate the base turrets. Don't have them very fast or aiming well if they aren't manned, but do have them fire at anything that approaches. Would probably be quite a bit of work, but hey, would certainly be interesting.

    Any person can come up at any time and sit in the turret to override the automation, but if no one's there, have them up and running.
  2. HellasVagabond

    So you get to leave a base empty and anyone that approaches can get fragged by auto turrets ? Not bad but not gonna happen like ever.......
  3. Brahma2

    The other option is just getting farmed, or having people easily ghost cap empty bases. It adds time to capture time, since turrets have to be dealt with at least the air ones, so that it is easier for outfits or people to come to defend.

    You give things like AA turrets a maximum distance they'd acquire at... so air wouldn't just get pegged no matter where they go, and then engineers have something to do in base defense even more.
  4. ExarRazor

    Automating the turrets won't matter, because the turrets have soggy paper mâché for armor.

    People don't use the turrets themselves because they'll get taken out LONG before they can do anything even remotely resembling useful.

    The turrets need a massive armor upgrade before anything else
  5. IamnotAmazing

    no, they just need a massive armor buff
  6. -Synapse-

    If the resource revamp ever comes around, the base's power level could play into making them automated.
  7. Brahma2

    The main issue isn't that they're individually weak... it's that there's usually one up at a time, at least for a lot of bases.
  8. BuzzStar

    Why not have the generators work as a shield gen. for turrets instead? Turrets will have a little better chance at defending then instead of being taken out immediately.
  9. IamnotAmazing

    well they still loose to a tank 1v1
  10. Silkensmooth

    How bad are you at this game that you think turrets are weak? If turrets are weak whats strong?

    It takes a tank with 2 people in it to take out a turret before it takes them out. Thats an AV tank not an AI tank. AI tank has no chance against a turret. BUT with 2 people at the turret, 1 repairing and 1 firing if you die to a tank its because you can't aim.

    I have sat in an AV turret at crossroads and killed vehicles at the crown.

    The same goes with AA turrets. My god if you cant keep the skies clear for 3 hexes with an AA turret you shouldn't be playing a FPS.

    Thats the problem with turrets. They are very powerful in the hands of a skilled player, (although you will rarely find skilled players manning turrets because it much more fun to do things that require umm skill) and their range is excessive.

    You can be in an AA turret on the crown and hit everything from xenotech in the south to crimson bluff in the east to allatum in the west to j908 in the north. Thats almost half the map.

    And it would be one thing if people only jumped in those turrets when there was an attack on the base, but oh no. You will find the turrets at the crown and at crossroads manned 24/7. Even when there isnt a lattice link to those bases.

    And i wouldn't even necessarily mind the turrets as powerful as they are, but you cant even kill them. They blow up and 30 secs later they are back to full. All you have done is give the repair engineer certs.
  11. D3GGY

    Gosh, I played a game that had this once, I think it started with "Plan" something and ended with "Side".

    Hmm. I'll try to think of what it was.


    But yeah, in PS1 base turrets could fire at a reduced RoF and accuracy when not manned. They could even be upgraded by Engineers at the cost of Nanites and be given rockets and stuff.
  12. Kanil

    Someone who actually thinks turrets are OP... oh Forumside, you'll nerf anything.