Turning Off Auto Voice

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheFamilyGhost, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Brainlaag

    People HAD access and control over some of those VO through the spot menu. In two years, two freaking years, I've heard maybe a handful "ammo here", or "I'm a medic, wait up". Let's face it, PS2 is a casuals game and you won't change anything through minor things like this except for annoying people that care. Shifting the base design would require a complete revamp of many aspects, which won't happen, ever.

    So stop arguing for the removal of auto VOs and simply ask for a manual/automatic function.
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  2. Wecomeinpeace

    Not wanting to dig up old dirt here, but: That is pretty much exactly what i suggested in the post you quoted there. Now admittedly "Give US control over voice macros" does not automatically imply auto callouts should stay, but nowhere did i speak out for completely removing them either. You just keep assuming that for some reason.
    And in the meantime i just want to be able to turn it off. FOR ME. No removal suggested there. At all.
    I just appreciate having options, which used to be damn "trademark" of pc games, HAVING OPTIONS. Unfortunately PS2 is highly lacking in that department.

    Besides, that "comrose" wheel...yeah, i think there is a reason nobody is using that piece of crap. For the most time, it was moving together with the target, which made using it pretty much impossible. I tried to tell people to stop for repairs or that i got ammo a couple of times, but simply got tired of it. Now they changed it and it finally stays in place, but chances are people don't know about that change, or they simply don't expect voice macros to be that inconsistent and on there, since well...there is a voice macro menu.

    So tl;dr: I guess if we would have a checkbox to use voice macros manually or automatically we all would be happy

    (If they then would spend some time to actually add basic tactical and social macros i would be even more happy and stop calling them slackers :p ).
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  3. Brainlaag

    You assume the last paragraph was aimed at you. I purposely separated that phrase from the rest of my reply to make sure it targets all the people that argue in favor of that. If you haven't, then it wasn't meant for you in the first place, please don't put words in my mouth.

    That said, I agree with YOU.
  4. Wecomeinpeace

    Then i misread your post, sorry about that.